(Continuation from yesterday)
Thanks to computers, I have been able to spend my considerable life time with joy.
At least, I have not felt boredom.
I can never thank computers enough.
But my life is going to be stopped by something that kills me.
It cannot be helped if they are physical or mental disease or senility.
But if they are a person who want to kill me, uncontrollable natural disaster, and an accident of intentionally or by gross negligence, I cannot accept it.
Moreover, if they are power who don't tell the truth, superpower egoism or mad autocrat, I never forgive them.
However, if a computer that is not able to be controlled by human being, and to work correctly with broken logic, starts a final war and kill me, and, in return
if I can look at the mad computer at the end of my life,
"It can't be helped"
I can say the above
as far as I am concerned.