I seemed to upset my health and tool a day off on my futon.
Afternoon of the day before yesterday, I felt sick. As soon as feeling vomiting, I decided to go home.
In this year, last week, my wife and the junior daughter has already been hit, and the symptom was terrifying.
"Only three seconds after vomiting reflex"
It is really "no time" to come to the restroom.
While putting this stuff away using mask, vinyl glove and bleach, I thought "this cold is hard-case"
That aside.
As soon as coming back to home, I asked my wife bucket, plastic bag, towel and something to drink, and collapsed onto mu futon,
In spite of many pieces the futon, I could not stop feeling cold. After that, body temperature became hot and I reduced the futon. That was a typical situation that I could not "body temperature adjustment".
I knew it is a disease, but the problem was, whether just the cold or the flu.
Even if it was the flu, I had to give up going to the office for this week, however, it is not serious problem for me.I am not likely to bear the suffer from the flu for many days under the high heat of 39 degrees .
I dislike any pain and suffering thoroughly. Even if I know that the disease is going well in a few days, I come to think "I want to die". I am an owner of wimpy guts.
(To be continued)