When I try to summarise the law of "Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle", roughly, for example.
we cannot know the real temperature of water in glass eternally, because of the temperature is going to be changed by the instrument.
The heat energy becomes lost or added by the instrument.
Above all, nobody knows the real figure of a object, if there is a observer.
I think that this story might be similar to the diary of yesterday "we cannot get the real figure of an object".
Above and beyond this.
I, may cross the wide roadway relatively width of the four-lane, in the way of the commute.
Of course, the cross of such lane is dangerous (but not a violation of the law), so I should pay attention of fullness, getting the timing of the passage of the car.
If I happen to make a accident in any situation, I think "I am a perpetrator" emotionally.
However, (previously it might have to talk same story), I might have a sharp eye, and some drivers will stop their cars in worst case, not enough only to be crawl, and I feel bad.( women with weak mind, in most cases).
Do not stop the car, even stared in a pedestrian.
In large lane, there also might be the possibility of rear-end collision accident by a following vehicle, moreover, my precise calculation results will become in vain, though I follow the movement of both the left and right of the cars in my eyes.
I want to say that, this is a good example of
"Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle"