The other day, a couple of men and women on the train is in a small talk.
"He has a certain opinion, but he doesn't say it."
"What ?"
"How does this man know the existence of this unknown opinion ?"
Well, the meaning of this phrase is
"He have his own views, and I have heard it in private"
"However, he seldom open the opinion in public or persons"
Yeah, I can understand it under the above circumstance.
There are no business persons who are talking directly about what they think
I also change my opinion by the people, and sometimes I can say that of true reverse unabashedly .
Even though, I do not mean that I am lying ( it might appear to have lied).
Any event is also a object, after all.
There are countless appearance and fascination from the several angle.
So, even if we like feel like a contradiction in someone's story, the event that the person is said is always one of the objects that exist without contradiction.
So, I think that a hero to come out to Soseki Natsume's novel "Botchan", is
"an idiot of correction inability"
Well, that's the reason the novel is fun for us.