Recently, I often write about a new desktop environment by Linux OS in my diary.
Now I am developing the environment little by little.
On the other hand I have already destroyed more than ten systems since then, so I have a nervous disposition about system backup.
Therefor I have made a clone of the whole original Linux system last weekend.
But I could not continue the task because the disk errors happened in the master disk.
So I tried to skip the errors, but I found a lot of error messages on the display.
This means,
"The Mater system has a big bomb that is going to crash the system itself, and the clone system also have the bomb.
In this case, I suppose to continue using the system including the bomb.
Because when I try to remove the bomb, I always crash the system on the ground of other reasons except for the bomb.
Even if it is crashed, I am going to start using the clone system.
It is said that "a problem does not have the problem until it becomes the problem"
Yes. I know well that this is not any fundamental solution.
After all, this is the story about my personal computer.