Today, a new column is released, so I take a day off.
"Let's turn the world by "Number" Diet (16) We cannot continue diet more than two month? Let's check it true or false.
This time, the rude younger co-workers are actual existence. Unfortunately, I could not write all of their comments.
For example, a younger co-worker who said,
"Ebata-san. I am afraid that this result is not special. Could you find the number that I am floored out more?"
Do you really think that it is possible to find the number easier?
By the way, I would like to say that I thank you very much for sending your mail to me.
Some persons gave me their impression of my draft version, a blueprint of questionnaire, and support mail.
I am very sorry that I could not reply your mail soon.
However, I enjoy reading your mail from the top to the bottom, and I saved your mail to "notebook" holder.
If my columns include your stuff in the future, please say
"That stuff is originally mine, and I gave them to Ebata."
"At all as for Ebata, he became to cry for running out ideas of column. I can do nothing with him from way back."
and please advertise the above to your friends.