Thought one night after your "Sichuan dish" invitation,
About a future diet plan for the Ebatas, we repeated discussion about this issue with putting our heart and soul by the night and day extremely and faithfulness seriously.
According to the elements that we are required by this plan, we classified it, and compared it, and examined it, and examined it, closely and analyzed it, and dismantled it, after having systematized it, and integrated it, and sublated it, and rebuilt it after having made it deconstruction, from every angle that we can quite imagine.
As a result, we returned to the original idea of the Ebata's diet plan
"We are not afraid of isolation for a solidarity, and we do not hesitate to fall down because of my poor power. But we do deny breaking our spirit without exerting my power"
In an event of the captivation named the "Sichuan dish",we would like to inform you the following with the highest possible address of gratitude and gratitude.
Without achieving my will, we could not permit the corruption of own soul by myself, in order to realize "5 kg decrease" on the second stage of the diet plan.
Here, Brokenheartedly, we will declarer to pass up your invitation of my dear revolution comrade ladies and gentlemen.
Rebellion Yuri! World revolution banzai !!
Tomoichi Ebata