Some persons who are crazy for animations and other sub-cultures, who is called "Otakaku", is also called "Nijigen (two-dimensional)"
The reason why they called it, is that their interesting objects is to be expressed on two dimensional medias, like screes of TVs and movies.
In opposite with it, some person who are interested in daily life, who is called "Riajyu ( leading a full life ), is called "Sanjigen (three-dimensional)"
This word seems to be usually used as a comparison word of "Nijigen".
This time, I tried to derive the most famous formula in the world, based on the Einsteinian special theory of relativity
You know, human being can generate incredible power when they are driven into a corner (for example, deadline of draft submission), and do something as an escape.
I didn't know that this formula can be derived from the four rules calculations, and I was very surprised at the fact.
Well, like me, a person who
likes a specified animations whose themes are time paradoxic (for example, Stains;Gate Tokikake, Madoka)
applied for a patent whose name was "space and time based communication"
tried to derive the Einsteinian special theory of relativity as an escape
should be called
"four dimensional".
I believe "No objection".