The other day, I wrote that I am going to give a lecture about Baysian network with the topic of "panty".
Today, I went to the lecture, and I said the following phases,
- "Therefore, I am going to be set 50% as the "panty" existence."
- "This figure shows the panty's probability is going to be changed by the ex-post condition."
- "Well, please input the value 0.05 in the "Is Panty" column.
During just 10 minutes, I had to call "Panty" repeatedly as for more than 30 times,
Though I was so proud of me, I was obsessed with self-hatred slightly.
The organizer of this event gave me all papers of questionnaire, and I seemed to get good reputations.
I was relieved that no questionnaire to be described "immoral" existed at least.
This lecture seems to be held once next month. If you are interested, please feel free to come in.