On August 16th, the animation of "Hana-Monogatari”, that is my favorite novel, whose author is Nishio-Ishin san is going to broadcast.
I have to go my family home for my father's care, so I will set the HDD recorder reservation of the animation.
At that time, I happen to find another animation "Katana-Gatari" of the final round in the HDD recorder.
I am glad to meet my favorite animation such timing.
Watching the last scene of the final round, I made an image if Yasuri-Shichika were a company researcher.
General:" Let me see! I will give you the world. Do you want the world don't you?"
Shichika:"Get off my back! Cheeriooooooooooo!!"
General:"How about research fund? It is for three years. You don't have to submit any report and patent application"
Shichika:"oooo.....O?. Do I need to present the results for the stakeholder?"
General:"It is O.K not to attend the liaison conference at all for three years"
General:"I will add the development fund you want too"
Shichika:"So, I don't think that I could not be give the research and development funds"
Do you think that "The research fund is a subset of the world"?
You mistake for company researchers.
Researchers don't want anything without keeping my research.
Moreover, they don't want to govern anything.