The other day,
I wrote an experimental report of VOCALOID "Yuzuki Yukari"
"An angel is singing"
I sent state-of-the art praise to the software package.
Four years ago, I made a text file for rote exercise of social studies of junior high school entrance examination, and made voice files by free reading aloud software.
After that, I burn them to CD and record them to POD and made my daughter learn by heart.
I also used the software for my examinations.
This year, the junior daughter's turn is coming, so I have to make the voice files again. But I exchange old PC with new one, and I perfectly forgot how to install the software.
Only that I remembered that I annoyed the install process. I had to waste much time.
The voice that was made by the software was a funny intonation, and there were a lot of reading mistakes. So I had to change Kanji to Hiragana again and again,
"I don't want to do same process again"
So I decided to buy time for money.
So I bought pay reading aloud software. (I was used to be corrupted)
This time, I chose "Yuzuki Yukari"
It was not VOCALOID but VOICEROID, that is a reading aloud software.
I tried it soon, and it was really
(To be continued.)