"The books of Monogatari series" that includes "Bake-monogatrari" have become not only my favorite books but the reference books of my columns.
For example, I have used the books, like,
"Well, in this case, I have read a great expression phrase in second half of Hana-monogatari"
The other day, I was really surprised to hear the word "Bake-monogatari" in two worker's chat on the train to my home.
Of course, I should not attempt to distinguish between people by appearance, however, the preferences of two old men were shared and it became to reach the level of the conversation.
I think that "It was absolutely extremely probability"
It is small at the same level as the probability of creating the universe. It should be called "nil".
Needless to say, I am very happy to hear the conversation as a fun of "Monogatari-serised".
Another day, I was through the front of the pachinko parlor.
In front of the pachinko parlor, in the uplink flag, there were
the characters "Pachinko Bake-monogatari" and the figures of Araragi-kun and Senjyougahara-san.