In the Ebata's, my daughter success to the culture of "walking reader" of mine.
The other day, she said unwished saying.
"Nowadays, some kinds of car sound small and it is danger.
Yes. The electric vehicles should small, so the car is a sort of counter-pest against our walking readers.
Needless to say, the result is clear.
Don't walk with reading.
She was scolded by my wife and the senior daughter.
Children are ignorance. "Why did you say bomb words?"
And it is natural that they direct their spear to me.
I said to the junior daughter with hitting her back, "You are no enough to be walking reader"
in order to save me.
"Walking read" is absolutely danger. No way to explain myself.
It is easy for me to understand the contents of books and textbooks with walking. (My inventions have been completed in walking).
It is abdicable for me.
If there are some populations of walking readers, I will make a party and send lawmakers to the parliament.
Our party will propose a new lane for walking readers only as a lobbying activity.