Hearing her talk with writing down the figure, it is very difficult to understand it.
- Four members in her group.
- However the group has a good relationship between two other groups, my daughter doesn't like a person who is likely to be a leader in other group.
I thought that "It is a governor of power balance isn't it?"
"What is the problem of this class changing? In short it is whether you could join a member of your original group in your new class"
"Not so simple"
- "The probability of joining old member in new class is low despairingly, because there are many classes against the numbers of my original group.
- So, I had to have another strategy that I search a girl who was in another original group.
- But if there is the leader in same new class, I was joined a new group that is managed by the leader because of her charisma.
"In conclusion, what you need conditions are (1) there is a girl who were joined in friendly group in your new class, and (2) there isn't the leader in your new class.
"I got you, but I don't know another issue, that "indispensable ten minutes""
(to be continued)