I heard that an application is released. The application sounds a warring when the person who you don’t like approaches you.
That's to be expected.
However I also had had the same idea from twenty years ago, I didn't apply for a patent.
I knew well that was not patentability.
On the other hand, we should develop a counter-application.
That is the application you could detect the person who use the application that sounds a warring when the person who you don't like approach you.
And the application also has an intelligent algorithm, for example, Bayesian network, and the algorithm tells you whether the detector takes avoidance behavior using the above application.
At this rate, someone will develop a couter-appication against the above counter-application.
It is to tell you a suitable avoidance behavior not to be detected the behavior by the counter-application user.
Thus, these applications make the world recursive thought attack, air complaints and stifling air. Eventually the world will go to ultimate utopia, I have been proposing,
The interface society
will be coming.