This week, I often hear the word "science girl". In my generation, the word "science boy" was also used frequently.
With hindsight, I think "science someone" is a sort of discrimination word. But the word was also used as s indulgence as a following phase.
"It cannot be helped that we don't get a girlfriend".
(1)There is no (few) girl in our department of college, so it is natural that we have no change to meet a girl.
(2)No girl, No love.
(3)No love, to study hard.
(4)To study hard, no girl.
The above (2)~(4) keeps in a circle, and we cannot get a girl friend during campus life.
The sprechchor(in German) "Our real battle field will be coming after graduation" had been shouted in our younger generation.
However, you know, it might be clear that this paradigm was non-logical for the science boys.
In one phase,
"Why do you think that you can get a girlfriend in work day, even if you could not do in college life?”
They were called "science boys", so there was no reason for overlooking the fault for them.
In short, they (we) wanted to ignore their (our) daily life with no girlfriend.