At the last New Year's EVE, I wrote "KIKEN"(the word has two meaning "danger" and "machine research laboratory", whose author is Hiro Arikawa-san.
The book was very fun and cheer, so I commended to my family's kind attention. But the book was a library book, so I had to return it by the deadline.
The second daughter who had finished reading the book declared that she would buy the book. So I ordered this book by Amazon, and presented her with it.
The other weekend day, when I was studying in my room, the loudly sound of footsteps happened to come, and the door was opened violently.
The first daughter was standing at the door.
She shouted "Papa!"
I answered "WWWWWWWhat is happened ?" in a tizzy.
"Was I doing something wrong to her in these days?"
I tried to remember them.
"Papa!”KIKEN" is great. I am awfully moved. The last is terrific!!"
She informed me of her uppish emotion with crying.
I gave her to the door, saying "O.K. It's good. My pleasure, too"
Indeed, I was also happy to hear her impression.
"Reading" is attractions to give us such feeling.
Above all,
Her father also read "Hitler's KENDO-protective gear" with crying on the bench at Odakyu-station, so I think she that brought her gene alive, and was characteristic of her father's personality.