The other day, when I went back home, my first daughter asked me a question.
"How goes it, Papa?”
"So how goes it with you, Papa"
"So, what are you telling me?"
"Do you really understand?”
Though it is easy to say "I don't know", it was shame and I felt losing a game.
"What is that? I know something for what"
Ad hoc, I answered "It is so-so."
"You don't understand don't you?"
"I am trying to fix lash make-up. Am I Cute?"
Umm... I remember that my wife told me the story that she bought some cosmetics at her New Year's monetary gift for the first time.
I know deeply that the purpose of makeup is not only to make them beauty but also to be an entertainment for them.
So I had no special comments for her makeup.
Above all, it should not be suitable for me to give her my impression about cosmetics. Reading Shakespearian drama is easier than that for me.
"I know. You are so cute and beautiful beyond description. Pretty all-time, first and probably the last. It is unparalleled."
"My gene is great!"
She seemed to be angry with me.
In an unrealizable age, she is.
Tomorrow, the 6th February, a heavy snow is going to hit the Kanto-area.
I tried to check the web site, thinking "How about tomorrow's entrance exam for junior school children"
The pile of school is coming on the web site.
Thinking of student preparing for an exam and their guardians, and their uneasy feeling, irritate me.
"Why can't we stop the April school entrance system in Japan?"
There is no merit of our traditional exam in winter season, because of traffic infrastructure accident by heavy snow, and influenza epidemics.
I really think "How foolish we are!"
In order to realize the illusion of "After enduring cold winter, reaching the entrance ceremony under Cherry blossoms in full bloom”, we should calculate the cost of the damage.
"It is O.K. I will do it with the numbers"
I am staring at the sky, and my grudge feeling toward the winter’s entrance examination becomes endless.
(Continuation from yesterday)
Even if you are a man and have a feeling of the "JOIN", I hope I put forward a suggestion of abandon of marriage.
I agree that marriage is likely to be started by love, however, most of the marriage is composed of many tasks that are not evaluated by your company and carrier at all (at the present).
It is said that "Marriage is a lottery". Whether you can feel easy or difficult about "household chores" and "child care" depends on your own fortune.
So single is the best strategy for your life.
In face, I think I don't have to think of this issue deeply, only I watch the father who take their child at exam venue.
The purpose of this essay is my self-criticism about
I have had my will to "join" for "household chores" and "child care" unconsciously.
Nowaday, I also make a simulator for my work.
This simulator lets me go to a calculated future,
and go back to the present, and go to another calculated future again. Totally the simulator go over them three time.
I have named these three time-axis, "alpha world line", "beta world line" and "gamma world line".
And I have named the real time-axis selected by these three world lines, "real world line".
I am afraid that I am a coward,
because I could name the world line "Steins;Gate"
(Continuation from yesterday)
To tell you the truth, a real fear of the influenza is that "you can heal naturally about for a week, even if you feel pain and fatigue.
Those people (including me) will be a distributor of the "influenza type B"
I heard some stories from my wife and daughter.
- The students of the first line of desks in a class, came to be off sick, by a teacher who was a source of the disease.
- Teachers who were worry about the delay of program, tried to attend the class, and the school was pushed into "temporary closing of school".
According to "influenza type B" of this year, I think that the above stories is believable.
This "influenza type B" is approaching you, acting "playboys" or "playgirls".
You should be wary of deception.
Last week, the news of disbandment of popular singer group was broadcasting.
The news has spred out from dometic medias to international ones. In addition, the Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan reffered to this topic.
However, for me, I am in trouble that I could not understand this atmosphere at all.
You might think that this is just a trivia, but I think that this is an evidence that
I cannot understand a topic that many people can understand each other.
I could think that the news had some degree of positive significance, for example, "the plain the group member boared, crash into flames" or "one of the member was arrested".
Otherwise, I could be suprised to hear that "the group was unbanded at that day immidately"
However, the disbandment will be in one year time, and there seemes to be no impact of domestic policy, diplomacy, economy (and culture, too).
I am afraid that this problem is absolutely different from my policy
"we should understand what we cannot understand each other"
Let me say, however it might be difficult for me to explain it,
"I don't understand whether we should understand each other"
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
In order to understand the business model that ignores economic rules and market principles, the so-called "underground idol", I think this content is excellent (?).
However, in order to support one's favorite in the idol group, so-called "push", the business model of paying from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yen to purchase more than 100 CDs of the same content.
―― I feel distorted and honestly "scary"
But I think there are quite a few people doing the same thing.
For example, at this season,
"Elementary school students taking private junior high school and their parents"
"Examinees" of "elementary school students" and "pusher"
"The parents" and "the otaku"
"Purchase 100 CDs of the same content" and "Payment to study school"
"Budokan" and "Passing the entrance examination"
These have almost the same structure.
"It's almost. almost"
As my motto, "the mad persons win in their life".
A person of "I will die if the recommending member comes to Budokan" is a winner,
than a person who has "nothing to go crazy"
Previously, I wrote a column whose title is
Let me see! Raspberry Pi - "Visualize" your parents in numerical form.
I received an e-mail from a reader of this column, who told me that he had actually prepared a "Declaration of Death with Dignity".
I thought this email would be of great value to many people, so I asked for and received permission to publish it in full.
It is reprinted below.
===== from here =====
Mr. Tomoichi Ebata
I'm Chaos, a retired *****-based former researcher/engineer.
I always enjoy reading your series of columns.
I had a chronic illness and come to create a Death with Dignity Declaration, but then the COVID-19 pandemic hit us and I panicked and notarized the document.
In addition, I notarized the will, property management contract, voluntary guardianship contract, and the person's wishes after death that cannot be stipulated in the will (no funeral, scattering of bones at sea).
I found Mr. Ebata's series of articles very helpful. Thank you very much.
Rather than a declaration of death with dignity, it was more like a DNR declaration.
(*)DNR: Denial of resuscitation
My biggest fear is that I will be bedridden for an unnecessary length of time and that I will develop dementia.
I also did some research and the only way to legally refuse life-prolonging treatment is to leave a notarized letter.
The original is kept at the notary public's office, some are kept by the lawyer, and the certified copy is kept by the person himself.
Notaries are available for a fee, but they will travel to your home.
I emailed the draft back and forth, revised it, and processed it at home.
I was able to use a word processor to create documents, which was helpful.
Since both ventilators and ECMO are useless if I have COVID-19, I made the following policy.
- Don't use unnecessary life-prolonging treatment. Don't waste medical resources.
- Let me die comfortably. Prioritize palliative care.
- Maximize the time I can move freely and minimize the time from hospitalization to death (even if my total life span may be shortened).
- To prevent the doctor in charge from being prosecuted for medical malpractice, he was allowed to administer IV glucose and oxygen.
- Prohibit surgery even if cancer is found (time spent sleeping in surgery is wasted)
- Specify the treatment to be refused (e.g., tracheal intubation/incision, central venous drip feeding, dialysis, gastrostomy).
I have COPD caused by smoking, and it progresses irreversibly.
(*)Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
I am receiving home oxygen therapy with an oxygen concentrator.
I'm not going to use the nursing care insurance until the very last minute because of the risk of infection from the helpers.
It was dangerous to go out, so I stopped taking physical examinations and medical checkups.
I've been posting and serializing a column called "Introduction to Finding Information on Infectious Diseases" under the pseudonym of a certain Anonymous on Kadokawa's novel site,
If you have time, please have a look.
I solved the mathematical epidemiology model SIR numerically (I have Maple and an 8-core Xeon machine + 64 Gbyte ECC memory). I think that 80% of Uncle (Dr. Nishiura)'s claims were correct.
I hope to read about it in your series of column on the theme of "Can enhanced PCR testing control the spread of infection?"
I recommend enhanced PCR testing and detection isolation.
According to the SIR, active detection/isolation of asymptomatic infected patients should lead to Rt < 1.
Although the first day of spring has passed, it is still very cold.
I pray that you will take care of yourself in the midst of the Corona disaster.
I am looking forward to your further works.
Sincerely yours
Chaos, as Internet Seniors Association Member
===== to here =====
I was once researching lessons for my children.
I was also interviewing family members, and their unanimous opinion was
"The best lesson I ever learned was the 'abacus'"
As I wrote here, the purpose of an abacus class is to "create a calculator in your mind" -- and the only input is "visual".
Just by looking at the numbers, the results of the calculations come to mind, so it's easy.
In other words, you can use your brain only for "how to solve the problem".
As I was writing, I realized,
"Isn't this the same thing that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is promoting, 'programming-free, programming-oriented education'?"
Needless to say, the purpose of mathematics is not to calculate, nor is it to memorize formulas.
It is "mathematical/mathematical thinking"(*).
(*) A typical example of this is "Fermi Estimation".
When you think about it, the abacus allows you to "slip through the cracks" and "cheat" in the "calculation" process
I think it's a shame that people don't know much about that.
For a while, a boy claimed "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school". Then the boy's post/video went viral.
I have not researched this, so I will not comment on it.
However, I think this is a social experiment with himself as the subject, so I would like to wait and see the results.
However, the problem is how to estimate this hypothesis: "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school".
(1) Socially successful (businessman, politician?)
(2) Financially successful (Wealthier than others)
(3) Although not as good as (1) and (2) above, possibility to lead a social life similar to that of so-called school-educated people (even).
(4) Other than (1) to (3) above
I think they can be classified into these four categories.
I believe that the above (1) to (3) will continue to be reported in the media so that we can know the results of the verification easily.
On the other hand, in the case of (4) above, the hypothesis test would be rejected, or in other words, "failed," but I am afraid that there are very few people who would report the results of failure themselves.
So, if that content of his opinions is no longer in the public eye, and enough time has passed, I will result
"His hypothesis of "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school" was rejected ("failed")"
Based on my above "Abacus is the strongest", his hypothesis that "you can use a calculator for calculation" should not be valid.
Therefore, his hypothesis and my hypothesis are in conflict.
But as for me, I don't care what the outcome is.
"His hypothesis of "I can use Google to know the meaning of kanji", "I'll use a calculator", and "There is no need to study at school" will be successful, this should be a major event that will shake the very foundations of the current school education system.
And the more children who participate in this experiment, the more data there will be and the more objective it will be.
By all means, please do your best to prove the "no school necessary" theory.
Incidentally, the two children of the Ebata family have already enrolled (and graduated) from college and are not scheduled to participate as test subjects.
In other words, whether this social experiment succeeds or fails, I will not be disadvantaged.
In short, it is
"Watching from on high."
To be honest, it really doesn't matter to me which way this hypothesis turns out.
As noted above, it is very difficult to implement an idea if you have a different idea than your own boss.
This is because the company organization has a superordinate form of command.
The proper approach is to "persuade the boss," but this rarely succeeds, and even if it does, the cost (time and effort) becomes enormous.
That is why I am implementing "Under the Table(*)".
(*) The most commonly used word is "bribe," but here it means "in secret".
So-called "late-night researchers" or "weekend researchers.
I am a member of an organization, but late at night and on weekends, I am an individual who has nothing to do with the organization (or so I think).
In my daily life, I don't watch movies, baseball, soccer, or dramas on TV, and I spend most weekends and long vacations for "under the table".
If you say, "You're spending all your money on columns and diaries", I can't be helped.
Well, in my case, it may only be possible because of the "scope of research I can personally perform".
This may be difficult to do in cases such as projects that involve huge amounts of money and human resources.
Still, I think you can do a desk study (simulation) and wait with bated breath for the chance to bring it to the surface.
"Under the Table" can be implemented in the time it takes to have a drink while complaining to your colleagues, "My boss is an idiot..."
However, if you seriously try this, your network of contacts in the organization will be in tatters, your boss's value of yours will be to the bottom, and your career will be doomed.
Excessive doing of this at home can also lead to family breakdown and divorce.
If you are hoping to get married, your marriage may be far away.
When you think about it -- "activating 'under the table' depending on the situation" might be about right.
This weekend, I continued to use ChatGPT to do some coding and writing.
"Oh my God...."
I muttered repeatedly.
Recently, I have found that 'the trick to using ChatGPT is the same as when I ask someone to do a job.
The "key to asking someone to do a job" is to imagine in your mind, assuming that the person is you, 'If I don't understand this content, I cannot start the job,' and then verbalize it.
What is important is technical writing -- or rather, the proper use of Japanese to communicate to others.
I have spoken passionately many times about the importance of "English" and "Mathematics."
However, as I think about it now, while confronting this generative AI, I realize that the "Japanese language" is becoming the study that should be prioritized.
It goes without saying in human communication, but from now on, the "ability to verbalize" to talk with computers will be very important. I assure you.
However, it does not matter how you respond to the question, which is like a Japanese language exam, "Choose the one from A to D that comes closest to the feelings of the author who wrote this sentence.
(However, studying this question response is quite important in the love and marriage process, but that's another story.)
What is important is the ability to verbalize the subject and object clearly and to convey the content of the message completely in the national language so that the computer does not get confused.
As I was writing, I thought that this kind of verbalization may be something that is rather more useful in 'English.'
Child: "What do I study for?"
Me: "It's all about using the generative AI to make life easier."
Now, I believe that.
ChatGPTは怖くない ~使い倒してラクをせよ
? EE Times Japan編集部 (@eetimes_jp) May 15, 2023