(Continuation from yesterday)
As soon as I get on the train, I open my note PC and start to write the diary of the day( for this blog).
Almost every second day, I buy an expensive beer (e.g.craft beer series of Suntry Co.).
After working, I write a column enjoying drinking a beer in the train running in the darkness.
For me, it is true that "If a friend doesn't come from far, my life is happy as-is".
早朝出社、定時退社 ―― もちろん、このような活動には大いなる意義があります。
Coming to the office early morning, leaving the office at regular time.
I believe that these activities are very significant.
I think that the multidimensional life activities is one of the effective methods for good life.
Resource distribution for both private and public is very important, and the above methods are one good way, I think.
ただ、その真逆の方法で、人生を楽しく、豊かにしようと試みている ―― そういう者もいることも、一応、覚えておいて頂きたいのです。
I hope you have it in the back of your head that on the other hand, a certain person who are trying to make his life rich by the opposite method has existed.