In this column, I wrote that I "failed" to use the VPS on my website when creating a home watching system.
でもって、ラズパイを使った自宅サーバの方に、開発方向をシフトさせるに至りました ―― まあ、そのおかげで、この連載の記事が執筆できたのですが。
Therefore, we have shifted the development direction to the home server that uses Raspberry Pi. Well, thanks to that, I was able to write an article in this series.
ここ一年の間、Amazon Web Service(AWS)の、Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)とLBS(ロードバランサ)を使ったシステムを使って、色々やってきたのですが、先日、1年間の無料使用期間が終了して、有料モードに突入してしまいました。
For the past year, I've been using Amazon Web Services (AWS), a system that uses Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and LBS (load balancer). The other day, the one-year free usage period has expired and I have entered the billing phase.
Actually, I didn't notice it and learned that I was charged 5,000 yen / month for about 3-4 months, so I hurriedly deleted my account the other day.
Though I only used it for practice, it was a considerable loss.
In the first place, I'm not good at "AWS".
"AWS"というのは、「ビルデイングブロック」で作るサーバです ―― イメージ的に言えば、「電子ブロック」のような感じです。
"AWS" is a server created by "building blocks". In other words, it feels like an "electronic block".
An "electronic block" is a metaphor that is often (conveniently) used, but when it comes to operation in the real world, it becomes a nightmare.
―― ブロックがたった一つでも動かないと、サーバシステム全体が動かない
"The entire server system will not work unless even one block works"
I've often talked about how scared I was of "non-working servers" with "TLS authentication", "road bangsar", and "domain registration".
『てやんでい! サーバ構築なんてもんはなぁ、コンソールのシェルが2つ、3つ立ち上がっていればいいんでい!』
"Shut up! I only need two or three console shells up to build a server"
In this way, for the elderly who survived only with the command interface type UNIX server construction technique of the 1980s, the methods like "AWS" are really "hard".
まあ、とは言え、こういうセリフを語り出した時から、人間はジジイ化する訳で ――
However, if I start talking about these lines, I become "old farts"
"the engineer who allowed himself to become old farts" is going 'game over'.
If I don't like the 'game over', then engineers have to keep fighting, even when it's a weekend, a major holiday, or late at night after work.
(To be continued)