We can find a lot of person, book, drama, and movies to blame the process to outbreak of Pacific War(WW2).
Generally, many of the story seem to be told from the ignorance, overdrive and unintelligent psychogender of Japanese military
On the other hand, it is difficult to find a person, a book, a drama, and a movie to blame the process to outbreak of Russo-Japanese War.
In my memory, I can only remember a story of the book, whose title is "Clouds at the top of a hill(Saka no ue no Kumo), that describes a poor commander tried to capture "Fort in area 203".
However, there is no story to blame the process to Russo-Japanese War in the book.
冷静になって考えれば、太平洋戦争で米国を敵にするよりも、当時の日本の国力で、帝政ロシアを敵に回す方が ―― どう考えたって ―― 滅茶苦茶だろう、と、私には思えるのです。
Let's discuss this issue. I think that the battle against the U.S. is more reasonable than that against Russia under an imperial regime, without a doubt.
Even with only these two examples, it is obvious that we have not done objective assessment based on the scientific approach of "to evaluate" only process "after separating from the result".
Set it aside.
Having a teenager's daughter, there is a topic that surely comes up.
―― どうして、この教科の勉強が必要なの?
"Why should I study this subject?"
My public answer is "to study is entertainment", however, almost all children cannot accept this answer.
(To be continued)