(Continuation from yesterday)
The Secretary-General of United Nations(UN)
cannot install the Security Force at all, and
cannot make a decision of economic sanction.
(The decisions are able to be done by the Security Counci)
I noticed again the fact that "The Secretary-General of the United Nations is just a top of a bureaucratic".
―― そう、事務局のトップは、その組織の意思決定に係わってはならない
"Yes, - a top of the Secretariat should not be involved in the decision-making of the organization"
Secretariat is just government agencies to support the project.
So, Secretary-General, must not concurrently serve as project members.
そりゃ、当然で、政府の役人と国会議員を兼任するようなもので、―― それは、三権分立の原則に反しているからです。
It is natural because ,it is like to serve both officials and parliamentarians of the government at the same time, ad It is contrary to the separation of powers principle.
However, the principle is just public stance in many cases.
(To be continued)