Every year, in the summer, a lot of phrases
"I take you to Koushien"
make me become very unpleasant feelings.
"Do not talk to bossy what anyone can do easily, this idiot"
我が家から、片道で15000円、往復で30000万円くらいのこと、高校生が一夏にバイトがんばれば、なんとかなる金額だろう ―― って、語ったところ、家族全員から一斉に、
That is not big issue because the cost is just 15000 yen in one way, 300 million yen in the round trip, for example from my house. A part-time job in the one summer by high school students, is going to make the money.
My family said "Come on! that's not the way!!"
if you want to know my opinion, you can read it in this page.
Above all, I hate the phrase of "I take you to ..." like as looking down on other.
I know this phrase is often used in the scene between an ace of the baseball team of ace(boy) and the manager(girl), and I can agree that this phrase is usual in this scene, however, to begin with, I hate this one pattern role too.
この逆のパターン、野球部(当面は、ソフトボール部も)のエース(女)が、「お前を、インターハイに連れていってやる」と、マネージャ(男)に宣言する映画が、そろそろ出てきて、大当りしても良いと思うのですが、―― そういう映画は、なかなか製作して貰えないようですね。
The reverse of the pattern, for example. an ace of the softball/baseball team of ace(girl) say to the manager(boy) "I take you to the next Inter-Highschool Chanpionships", I expect the movie will make and catch on well.
Anyway I will not go to either of the movie.