(Continuation from yesterday)
So far, the story of "human conquest by computer", has been shouted in conjunction with the roughly game.
Though you might think it is too rough, my understandings are as follows.
(1)チェス → 一秒間に何十万回の指し手の組み合わせで、人間に勝利
(1) Chess → per second with a combination of hundreds of thousands of trial, and winning human
(2)将棋 → 局面の評価方法に革新的な方法を導入して、人間に勝利
(2) Shougi → by introducing innovative ways to evaluation method aspect, and winning human
(3)囲碁(今回) → 自分でルールを作って、それを評価して、人間に勝利
(3) Go (this time) → to make the rules on their own, to evaluate it, and victory in human
This above (3) is different from the(1) and (2), because the computer is going to learn at their own, that human beings are not even give them.
However, the above-mentioned from (1) to (3), has the following common elements,
(A)There is a clear evaluation criteria of "win / lose"
(B)The computer can repeat enormous counts of simulation by virtual games in the computer
(C)There is infinite chances of the learning
For the computer to conquer the human race, the computer needs the enormous number of demonstration (×simulation) in the "humanity conquest game".
I short,
―― コンピュータは、「一発勝負で人類を絶滅させる」為の「練習」ができない
"The computer can not "practice" to "annihilate the human race in a one-shot deal"
So, even the computer that won this "go" game, I wonder if it is far from "mankind conquer".
Now, I am thinking seriously, that
"I wonder what methods are good for conquering the human race to the computer."
(To be continued)