(Continuation from yesterday)
"I have no friend who share a sense of value."
I had a time when I had been annoyed at it like others.(It was a real story)
At that time, I told the story to an adult, the person adviced me the following.
―― 「友人作り」なんてことは止めなさい。
"Stop finding a friend."
―― 先ず、自分がのめり込めることを見つけて、そのことに対して、たった一人で、しかし、本気で「狂って」みなさい
"Firstly, you find what you make you crazy, and you are crazy for it seriously by yourself."
―― そうすると、同じ方向で「狂って」いる人が、自然と浮かび上がって見えてくるから
"If you do so, you can find out a person who also is crazy for it."
―― それが、あなたにとっての「特別」だ。
"It is "the special person" for you."
I didn't accept the advice fully at that time.
Even now, I don't think that this is the best advice.
But I think that some important intentions are included in this advice.
That means "it is me to make me enjoy" and " it is a dirty trick to expect the roll to others".
友人が、「自分を楽しませて貰う為」とか「自分が一人であるように見られない為」の「道具」と考えるのであれば、友人を作るのは難しいのではないか ―― と、この私でさえ思えます。
Even I think that it is difficult to find a friend, if you think that your friend is a sort of "tools" in order to "make you enjoy", or "lose the vision of your loneliness"
"Being crazy" means that "enjoy" that is generated by myself, is overflowing beyond myself, and the persons who are crazy, can share their "enjoy" each other.
(To be continued)