(Continuation from yesterday)
About the diary of yesterday, I got the imagination from a device "PM" in an animation whose name is "Dull world without concepts of erotic humour" (you don't have to google).
To tell you the truth, I want to use the word from the book "1984" or the movie "Minority report". But I'm no liar.
This animation is really out of taste and disgusting.
―― 私の頭の中でグルグル回っていた各種の数式やアルゴリズムを、核ミサイルの爆心地の熱で完全に消え去ってしまうくらい ―― もの凄く最低なアニメです。
What to say, it is going to erase useless formulas and algorithms in my brain by a atomic bomb. Anyway it is the worst animation in the world.
Long time no see, but I can remember the feeling of "my mind become a complete blank"
You should never watch the worst work, and keep away from it. (Don't watch, my daughters).
Only persons like me, who can understand the concept of anti-establishment, might be allowed to watch the animation, which is great.... nop the worst thing.
Thought I give a support the law "Child pornography laws in Japan"
それでも、2世代前の東京都都知事が、このアニメを知れば激怒するに違いない ―― そう考えるだけで、なんか楽しくて。
"The previous Tokyo governor will get mad with this animation, if he knows it". I am beside myself with joy just in my imagination.
I did not dislike him particularly.