About serialization of the diet, I ask for the volunteer of the questionnaire.
All of you who had you already accepted my proposal. I would like to say that "Thank you very much".
Though less than 10 people has already applied now, I would like you apply for my request too.
So I thought again how I could ask more people to accept my proposal.
I came to think that I should open the content of the questionnaire to some extent first of all.
What I want to know is the motivations for the start, process, failure or success of my hypothesis "Diet 2 months cycle".
Concretely, as follows.
(1)What is your motivation of the start diet?
(a)unknown, (b)love affair(except for marriage),(c)marriage,(d)health(as volunteer), (e)health(doctor's advice), (f)work place(implicit promotion condition, modeling,),(g)emotion(praise or insult for your figure),(h)others
(1)What is your motivation of the stop diet?
(a)unknown, (b)love affair(broken heart),(c)marriage(completion, divorce),(d)health(completion), (e)no return(no effectiveness), (f)illness(cold),(g)bad condition(Menstruation, sleep shortage),(h)pregnancy and childbirth,(i)others
Thanks for NTT Data Co. technology and skills, Now we are trying to extract of the motivation of "diet" from blog data on the Internet.
But it is difficult for us to get the motivation, especially "stop diet", apart from "start diet".
The voices of "I start diet! " are many and loud.
On the other hand, the voices of "I stop diet!" is few desperately.
―― というか「ない」
It means "zero"
(To be continued)