
2013-01-20 金銭債権としての「肩たたき」
















―― 自分達のサービスが、どのくらいの価値があるか


2014-01-20 「声優という人たちは、何でもできるの?」


When I told the second daughter the following,

A woman who sing a theme song of an animation "Servant x Service" is a same person who is a dubbing artist of "Yamagami Lucie (in short)", a leading character of the animation,

―― びっくりしていました。

She was really surprised to hear that.


And the dubbing artist acts "Menma" a, leading character of “We do not yet know the name of the flower we saw that day."

―― 絶句していました。

She was speechless.


A popular character in my family "Chihaya Megumi" of the "Servant x Service" is also same of "Hirasawa Yui" of "KEION!”


She said,

"Dubbing artists are intellectual genius aren't they?”



I can understand what she feels.



I wonder if I am a good father, who is working for this survey in order to keep fatherhood.

2015-01-20 ありがたいのだけど、釈然としない。


After the long time, I work for a network communication middleware, as a weekend researcher.


In order for this work, I tried to change my note PC to a HUB who has network packet monitoring function, but I thought

―― 面倒くさいな

"It is annoying"


So I tried to check the prices of some commercial HUB with mirroring port.


I knew that Amazon sold the HUB with five gigabit Ethernet ports and mirroring port for 4000 yen.



When I asked the request for proposal of HUB, the HUB was a big metallic frame, and it cost more than 200,000 yen. Of course, it was impossible to buy it privately.


Now, it is going to be a small box in my hand, it cost 4000 yen.


After three seconds, I put the button for purchase down.



It is worth for me, but I am not satisfied with the fact.


Somehow, I become to feel that my job (IT engineer) seemed to be looked down.

―― もしかしたら、私の仕事はそもそも軽いものであり、最初から間違っていたのは、私の方だったのかもしれない

"My job might be not important for the first time, and it might be me, who have mistaken for the long time."


I am now sick of a slight persecution complex.

2016-01-20 この世の中は、「立派な人」が多すぎると思うのです。


(Continuation from yesterday)


I am afraid that there are many fine persons in the world.


In addition, the world manages to be organised by the many fine persons.


In many fine persons, it might be difficult for us to do more admirable something.

―― 結果として、私達は「誰も褒めない社会」を作っていることになる

As a result, we are going to support this society where nobody can applauds others.



- MinGw64のGCCコンパイラで、

- C++のクラスのメソッドをグローバル関数でラッピングすることで、

- いくつでも動的に生成するプログラミングに成功して、

- サーバのクライアント管理を劇的にラクチンにした。

- Using a lapping mechanism that MinGW64 GCC complier allocates makes C++ class method for global function,

- I turn the class instance into a thread, and enable to make a lot of the thread for a moment,

- the mechanism makes the management of both client and a server nodes easier,

- There is hope that I am going to make a resource mediation among the modes.


Well, I know well.


I think nobody can understand the above and , and nobody applauds me.


―― そういうものだと思う。

My small my voice "Bingo!"is fading to the ceiling of our lab's room where nobody is. I think "that is it".


So only I am going to applaud me.


I give a lot of praises, like "Good job!" "Great effort!" to me.


I am also going to party for me.


So, today, I decided to be going to provide me into "Hokkyoku-Ramen" in Mouko-Tanmen Nakamoto in Machida.

―― と思っています。

2017-01-20 『プログラミングなんて、一生やるものか』という決意をする、なんてことににはならないだろうか ―― と。


(Continuation from yesterday)


Well, I know about computer programming has been included in compulsory education curriculum.


However, I am worried to death, that


In this curriculum, many children will decide


"I will never do programming for my life"

という決意をする、なんてことににはならないだろうか ―― と。



"Programming" is never allowed to exist ambiguity in their own.


We should understand the target for programming perfectly. when there is an ambiguity in the target, we should describe it even if it might be far-fetched hypothesis.


It is different from "misunderstood" mathematics, and it is really unfeeling and cruel world, where is except for 0 or 100.



Of course, I can understand that programming is a good method to develop a logical thinking.

しかし、プログラミングとは、「論理的であることが望ましい」 などという腑抜けた態度では成立しない作業なのです。

However, programming is not coming into existence with an ambiguous attitude like "desirably logical response"

Programming needs,


- perfect logical thinking,


- diseased wariness


- repeating the huge number of tests that are absolutely impossible.



If there is no such consideration, the program is going "not to move at all" or "to output an insignificant answer".

For example, it is said that "only 3 lines" among hundreds of thousands of lines of program code, caused the major accident that was a breakdown around one third of of the U.S region.


Many people may not believe it, however, this is "normal" in our programmer's world.


We, the engineers of programming field, live in the daily life.


(To be continued)

2018-01-20 一番近い医院まで辿りつくまでの「地獄のような苦しさ」を忘れることができません。


(Continuation from yesterday)


- With a body temperature of 39 degrees,


- In the Blizzard,


- Wearing a raincoat (And cold water got soaked in my body from the raincoat)


- While holding both feet, to prevent the motorcycle from falling over,


I could not forget the "suffering in a hell" until I reach the nearest clinic.


I felt pain on that way home, and I could not forget that time, while trembling with the cold in the room, with thinking "I want to black out with medicine as soon as possible."



Still, I thought that "I was great to decide to march in the snow during high fever", before I could not stand up.


I knew well that "If I could not stand up, I was over"


(To be continued)

2019-01-20 『三角関数は言うに及ばず、微分積分という概念を、絶対に国民に獲得させてはならない』


(Continuation from yesterday)


Trigonometric functions have two properties.


The first one is "tool" called "ruler".


This is what the current high school mathematics is aiming for, however, most students are unable to find their significance.


Trigonometric functions are not mere rulers, but it is a useful tool, for example, this function give us three unknown information from only one piece of information, like Detective Conan is also a pale blue.


It is something like a "motorized chain saw" for "sawtooth", and "electronic rice cooker" for "kamado".


The second is "tool" called "decomposition".


This is the method I quantitatively measure "wave" I talked about yesterday, in the current higher mathematics, it is a tool that does not appear at all.

ジャン・バティスト・ジョゼフ・フーリエ男爵(Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Baron de)が、主張したフーリエの定理(任意の関数は、三角関数の級数で表すことができる)が、それです。

That is what Fourier's theorem (argued by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Baron de) is found, can be expressed as a series of trigonometric functions.

I could use this Fourier transformation to set up the hypothesis of the phenomenon that "we can not continue a diet for two consecutive months or more".


The tool called "Fourier transform" succeeded in showing "teachings of Buddha" logically, mathematically, quantitatively, after the time of 2000.


ところで話は変わりますが ――

By the way the story will change,


It seems now that my friends and I have predicted quite accurately that "China (the continent) will become an economic superpower of the present world" at the stage of 1994 .

私たちは、この中国の経済大国化への「妨害工作」について、各種の思考実験を行ってきました ―― 車の中で。

We have conducted various thinking experiments on "disturbing work" to make this Chinese economic powerpower - in the car.

In our conclusion, we reach to the agreement in opinion that "interference with mathematical education" - "trigonometric function is not to say, we have not to let the people take over the concept of differential integration absolutely" .




(1) The government that acquired this concept, will be able to accurately analyze and predict internal affairs, diplomacy, and especially military (including weapons development)




(2) The public will be able to verify the policy of the government and will be able to trust the government



In that country, the former national leader had shut down the economic powerhouse itself by "selfish policy" that "tools of mathematics should not be handed over to the hands of the people".


For our country who was proud of Asia's leader (in peaceful sense), the "politicians policy" on this continent was truly appreciated.

大陸だけではなく、帝国主義時代において、列強の植民地に対する『愚民政策』は、本当に重要で ―― 特に、列強の植民地の「数学教育」について、絶対に「四則演算」の範囲で封印しなければならなかったのです。

Not only in the continent but in the imperialist era, "politicians' policy against the strong colonies was truly important. Especially, regarding "mathematics education" of the strong colonies, it had to be sealed within the range of "four arithmetic operations" absolutely.


Also, in modern times, it is like a piece of cake, such as knowledge of mathematics and cyber attacks on nations with low understanding.

国民が、サイバーセキュリティにおける数学の依存を ―― 論理的である必要はなく、感覚的にでも ―― 理解してない国家は、やられっぱなしになるに決まっています。

A nation that does not understand the dependence of mathematics in cyber security is decided to be lost, not logical but sensually.


As for this, I think that it is easy to understand simply by receiving a shameful defeat in the decryption game in WW2 against war against Germany and Japan.


Back on topic


(To be continued)

2020-01-20 『自分で勉強して、語学や技術を取得するのは、かったるい上に、時間がかかる』


Yesterday, I introduced my study method.


However, it may be necessary to consider whether such techniques and language study methods are worth the cost (cost and time).


You don't have to study on your own if you can keep a specialist of foreign languages and specific skills .


But in most cases, keeping such talent is terribly difficult.


Employment costs for such people are high and competing.


There are even companies that do "order fictitious work" just to keep the human resources.



On the other hand,


"It's bothersome and time-consuming to study language and skills on my own."


is reasonable.


This is a comparison between


"The cost of studying and acquiring skills"



"The cost of keeping people who have alreay studied and acquired skills"



And choosing the one with the lowest cost is a market principle.



But we have to think one more upper step. That is


"I who am studying and acquiring skills"




"I who can keep people who have alreay studied and acquired skills"


The question is which one has market value.


(To be continued)

2021-01-20 最近になって、やっと"Go言語"の凄さが分かってきました。


For about three years now, my program guru, Mr. S, has been telling me that "Go language" is what Mr. Ebata needs.


However, I was not able to start using it.


The reason for this, on the face of it, is "I don't have the time," and the real reason is "It's hard to learn new things.


But now, I am working at home due to the "Corona disaster," one of the biggest national disasters of the postwar era.

―― この機会を逃したら、はっきりいって『バカ』

"If I miss this opportunity, I are clearly a 'fool'"


I'm afraid that later I'll blame myself for what I've done, so I'm studying hard now.



By the way, the language I have been using, C/C++, is a "very low-level language" that is closely related to computer architecture.


So, it is super fast and versatile.


Instead, it is unrivaled in the "unfriendliness" of its language notation.

C/C++は、コンピュータ(正確に言うとUNIX OS)と同時に生まれた1970年ごろに生まれたロートル言語ですので、最新のWeb技術なんぞには、全く役に立たないといってもよいです。

C/C++ was born around 1970, at the same time as the computer (UNIX OS, to be precise), so it is O.K. to say that it is completely useless for the latest web technologies.


Still, it is a fact that almost all computer system platforms, especially embedded microcontrollers, are programmed in C/C++.


Aside from that.



Recently, I have finally come to understand the greatness of the "Go language".


I was impressed by the fact that 100,000 threads (objects) kept running until the end in my simulator.


I had heard that "more than 70 million threads are running", but there is a difference between hearing about it and actually running it by myself.

もしかしたら、日本国民全員のエージェントとした、「コロナ感染シミュレータ」が作れるかもしれません ―― 私の自宅のパソコンごときで。

Maybe I can make a "corona infection simulator" with all Japanese citizens as agents -- on my home computer.



I think it would be useful if the agent approach, which is what I am thinking of, is added to the statistical approach of Dr. Nishiura's.


However, it is also clear that this kind of agent approach is insanely time-consuming because you have to set up personas and environments for the entire population.

まあ、もしできるとしても、完成は10年後くらいでしょうか ―― 10年後に、この災厄がどうなっているかは分かりませんが。

Well, if I can do it, it will be completed in about 10 years -- I don't know what this disaster will be going in 10 years.

2022-01-20 『母の呪い』を受けているのかな、と疑っています ―― 葬儀の後、さんざん母の思い出で爆笑してきたので。


I am currently working on revisions for a paper I am writing, after receiving an internal review. I'm crazy with

―― 2年以上の前に作ったシミュレータのコードレビュー

"Code review of a simulator I built more than two years ago"



However, since it was a simulation program that I created from scratch, I was able to catch up in just a day or two.


Whether it is a program or a prototype, this is where the "strength of homebrew" lies.


Anyway, I'm impressed that I was able to compile and execute.

Here's the program.


Lately, it's been a product of my habit of "tossing any trivial program onto my blog".


I have realized that any record can be useful to me if I am willing to say, "I don't mean to be useful to others".



However, I've been struggling all afternoon today because 'the report doesn't match two years ago'.

―― なんで、バスに乗車すると、到着時刻が遅くなるんだ?

"Why does taking the bus delay the arrival time?"


I was looking at the simulation log and scratching my head, but then I realized that I had misplaced the speed of the bus to the speed of walking, and I was relieved to have successfully obtained the simulation results for my original purpose.



Well, since yesterday afternoon, my lower back has suddenly started to hurt, and the coefficient of operation for daily life has dropped below 0.1.

『ギクッ』とは来なかったのですが ―― 姿勢を動かすと、激痛が走る、というもので、症状は、あきらかに「ぎっくり腰」の症状です。

I didn't feel any pain, but when I moved my posture, I felt a lot of pain, and the symptoms were clearly those of a "slipped back".


From my mother's funeral to here, I've been working as hard as I can as usual, and I've been completely fine.


If I do say so myself, my mental state is (surprisingly) normal.


However, the physical seems to be on the verge of breaking down on its own.


『母の呪い』を受けているのかな、と疑っています ―― 葬儀の後、さんざん母の思い出で爆笑してきたので。

I wonder if I'm under the "mother's curse" -- because I've been laughing a lot at the memory of my mother, after the funeral.

うん、思い返すと、私の母ならやりそうです ―― 私と同様に。

Yeah, thinking back, I think my mother would do that -- just like me.

2023-01-20 『本当に、意義のない、無駄な人生を生きてきたなぁ』と、つぶやきながら、私は死んでいくつもりです。


I have recently seen the opinion that one way to live a meaningful life is to decide "what not to do" instead of what to do.


Engineers (especially software engineers) have been warned again and again about "reinventing the wheel," a term that refers to "taking something that has already been completed and making it again on your own.


My attitude toward the above has always been consistent.

―― ふうん





Today, in lecture, we were solving Dijkstra and modified label methods as the shortest path problem, using paper and an empit.


After a long time, I was impressed by the beauty of the solution.

I had even coded both the Dijkstra and Warchal Floyd methods on my own.

However, there are plenty of such routing problem algorithms and others on the Internet, and there are also extensive free libraries.

私のやっていることは、典型的な『車輪の再発明』です ―― だから、これは「無駄」なのでしょう。

What I am doing is typical 'reinventing the wheel' -- so I guess this is 'futile'.



However, I had coded those algorithms on my own and was free to modify them.


Thanks to that modification, I devised an algorithm to calculate how a city of one million people went from train schedule havoc caused by a suicide jump to convergence in five minutes, and got one peer-reviewed paper through.


Also, if I were to decide "what not to do" instead of what I should do, the diaries and columns I have been keeping would be "terminated immediately" at that point.


まあ、私の人生は、無駄が多く、かつ、有意義でもないのでしょう ―― が、それならそれで、私は構いません。

Well, I guess my life is not very meaningful or meaningful -- but that's OK with me.


I will die muttering, 'I have truly lived a meaningless and futile life'.

2024-01-20 親の介護フェーズが終わった(死亡した)時から、自分が、被介護対象者になっていく ―― を実感しています。

親の介護フェーズが終わった(死亡した)時から、自分が、被介護対象者になっていく ―― を実感しています。

I realize that from the time my parent's caregiving phase ends (death), I will be the one to be cared for.


Both our couples are experiencing noticeable subjective symptoms, such as a significant loss of strength, unexplained rashes, worse insomnia (which has been present for some time), and the inability to move their bodies (fingers and arms) as much as they would like.

Of course, we all have times in our 30s, 40s, and 50s when we realize that we are losing our functionality, decade by decade, but I can tell you that this became more pronounced after the end of my parent's care.



I believe that psychological factors may be a significant factor in this reason.


If you have cared for/observed your parents for an extended period, you have been involved in/observed the process of gradual death of a human being.

健康状態は改善することなく、悪化の方向にのみ決定している一択のプロセス ―― これは、結構な地獄です。

A one-choice process in which health is determined only in the direction of deterioration, not improvement, is pretty much hell.


The personality that is formed through this process is nihilism.

『人生における、努力も、苦労も、栄光も ―― その最期にあるのは、それらと等価交換にもならない、長く辛い死へのプロセスだけである』は ―― 別段に仏教を学ばなくても、毎日が「諸行無常」の実体験です。

The only thing at the end of life is the long and painful process of death, which is not even equivalent to the effort, hardship, and glory of life" -- even if you don't study Buddhism separately, every day is an authentic experience of "all things are impermanent.



About 50 years ago, the songs "Children Who Don't Know War" and "To a world far away" became popular.


I remember that we were made to sing at a cultural festival at some teachers' request (pressure).

正直、私は、これらの歌に1mmも感情移入できませんでした ―― 何言っているのか分からんかったので。

I couldn't get a mm of emotion into these songs -- because I didn't know what they were saying.



I believe that the concept of "adults who don't know/know about caregiving" will be created in the future.


It is unfortunate for those who have witnessed the sudden death of a parent due to an accident or illness.

But it is also unfortunate for those who continue to watch the process of continuous parental death that lasts more than ten years (life span - healthy life span = 7 years for men and 12 years for women).

どちらも不幸ではあるのですが、その不幸の『内容』が違う、その気持ちを共有できない ―― そういう時代の到来は、すでにやってきていると思います。

Both are unhappy, but the "content" of their unhappiness is different, and they cannot share their feelings -- I believe that such an era has already arrived.