(display real-time mobile objects using QGIS plug-in (PosiView) )
(Recently I have used QGIS frequently)
(I came to think that "if I can make a traffic simulation viewer with QGIS, it is easy")
(When I was looking for a plugin for QGIS, I found out that "PosiView" might be useful)
2. What's "PosiView"
(PosiView tracks multiple mobile objects and vehicles and displays their position on the canvas)
(The Plugin reads usually NMEA formatted data from USBL or other navigation devices and displays the object as scaled symbol on the canvas.)
(Connection to those devices is established by data provider connecting to network sockets (UDP/TCP))
~ https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/PosiView/
~ https://github.com/jrenken/qgis-PosiView/blob/master/help/source/index.rst
3. 問題点(Problem)
(I wanted to just display the position information of realtime simulator)
(However, PosiView did not have such a low function parser)
■"PosiView"の作者である、イェンス・レンケンさん(Mr.Jens Renken)にメールでご相談してみた
(I asked Mr. Jens Renken, author of "PosiView", for help with e-mail)
5.設定例(Setting example)
(Step 1) postGISに"k11.osm"をインポートしておく
(Import "k11.osm" into postGIS)
(Around Kashiwa city)
(How to import)
(Step 2)プラグインPosiViewをインストールする
(Install plug-in PosiView)
(QGIS → Plugins → Manage and install plugins → All → Enter "posiview" in the search field → select posiview → Install plugin)
(Step 3)
~ https://cloud.marum.de/s/tp2D2s5poPE3doS
(Download "PosiView_custom_parser_2.zip")
(unziped files)
(In case QGIS2)
(In case QGIS3)
■"__init__.py" を上書きして
(Overwrite "__init__.py")
■"parser_test.py" を追加する
(Add "parser_test.py")
(Step 4)
■QGISを再起動する(Restart QGIS)
(Step 5)データ送信用のテストプログラムをダウンロードする
(Download test program for data transmission)
■を選んで、"Enable posiview"を選択
(Choose "Enable Posivew")
■再度、プラグイン→"PosiView"→"Configure PosiView"を選択
(Again, select plugin → "PosiView" → "Configure PosiView")
■プラグイン→"PosiView"→"start/stop tracking"を選択
(Plug-in → "PosiView" → select "start / stop tracking")
■コマンドプロンプトから ">python2 udp-client-loop.py" を投入
(From the command prompt, enter "> python 2 udp - client - loop.py")
6. 実行結果(動画)
(Execution result (movie))