
2021-06-01 昨日から「楽に死ねる方法ありませんか?」というメールが届いています。 [長年日記]


Since yesterday, I have been receiving mails asking, "Is there any way to die comfortably?"


Basically, it can be dismissed as spam, but in my case, there is a 'reason to be inquired'.


So, I had been planning to share what I know about how to die comfortably.


However, today I received another inquiry from the same e-mail address, but for a different reason: "Is there any way I can die comfortably?"


I have determined that this email is a spam email and have completed my operation.


By the way, a long time ago, I sent a "request mail" to the person who sent these joke mails to stop sending mails to me.


I just played a little "cute little prank" (statute of limitations has expired).

2021-06-02 ―― ビットコインと新型コロナウイスルは似ているなぁ [長年日記]

I wrote here about how the root of Bitcoin's value is in exchange for the consumption of large amounts of electricity.


In the last month, I have seen an increase in the number of articles discussing Bitcoin from the perspective of the SDGs.


I've seen 1BTC drop 1 million yen in a day "twice", triggered by a massive sale by the CEO of a certain venture company, and now it seems that 1BTC = 4 million yen.



When I first started writing about Bitcoin, the price was about 1.2 million yen per BTC, so even with twice million yen drops, Bitcoin has continued to rise in value.


On the other hand, China, Europe and the U.S. seem to be moving in the direction of tightening controls on crypto assets (virtual currencies).


Currency control is the cornerstone of a nation's economy, so it's not hard to imagine how an entity like Bitcoin would be depressing to those in power.


―― ビットコインと新型コロナウイスルは似ているなぁ

"Bitcoin and the new coronavirus are very similar"


I think that.


Things that pose a threat to the nation will be eradicated by the nation.


The mRNA vaccine and other products that are "just right" for the new coronavirus are the result of the U.S. "360-degree drug discovery research and development" funded by the national budget.


I, personally, estimated that it would take four years to complete the vaccine, so I can say that the speed of the vaccine far exceeded my expectations.


I was reminded once again of the power of nations, especially the United States.



On the other hand, if Bitcoin also becomes a threat to the nation, I think the nation power will not keep quiet.


In particular, there is a precedent that the nation has already overlooked the credit market and made it 'uncrashable'.


In comparison, the size of the Bitcoin market is small enough in the context of the overall credit market. In other words,

―― 今なら、潰せる

"Now, we can destroy it."


If the power side thinks that way, it's only natural.



Therefore, if I were to consider a survival strategy for Bitcoin, I would use the following information, which can be found here

"A Return to the 'Petit Bourgeoisie Bitcoin'"


might be good.


I don't know whether that's possible now or not now.

2021-06-03 ―― スキーウェア、グローブを装着して、バイクに乗る [長年日記]


My senior daughter, who had even referred to the main character of the anime "Super Cub" as "my little sister," until the other day, is saying now,


"She's not so pretty"



Ebata: "Why?"


Daughter: "A beginner should not be so familiar with motorcycles. She need to make more mistakes and grow as a rider"


Well, I think it's good to have various ways of viewing and opinions.



I also used to use an off-road bike to get to college.


I have never looked for "coolness" in a motorcycle.


What I was looking for in a motorcycle was portability and fuel efficiency, and the major issues were "cold protection" and "snow damage".


The city I lived in, which was located in the extreme north of Kyoto at the time, was a serious issue. When it snowed, the buses also stopped running.

降雪した日に、高熱を出して下宿で倒れた時は、本当に危なかったです ―― 私の命。

My life was really in danger when I collapsed in my lodge with a high fever on the day of the snowfall.

朦朧とした意識で、みぞれ雪がレインコートを抜けて体の中に入ってくる状況で、両足を付きながら125CCのバイクを動かして、クリニックに行った私は ―― 本当に偉かった、と思う。

In a dazed state, with snow falling through my raincoat and into my body, I rode my 125cc motorcycle with both feet to the. I was really great.


Anyway, I did whatever I could to protect myself from the cold.


There were windshields that could be attached to off-road bikes, but they were too small to be useful for keeping out the cold.



The final form I've arrived at, was

―― スキーウェア、グローブを装着して、バイクに乗る

"Putting on ski clothes, gloves, and getting on the bike"



I parked my bike at the campus, put my ski clothes in a plastic garbage bag, and carried it around the campus.


My character of "not caring about such things at all" supported my life as a motorcycle commuter.

2021-06-04 「同性婚できないのは憲法違反」札幌地裁が日本初の判断 ―― このニュースが流れた時、私の取った行動は、裁判所の判例DBの検索をすることでした。 [長年日記]

「同性婚できないのは憲法違反」札幌地裁が日本初の判断 ―― このニュースが流れた時、私の取った行動は、裁判所の判例DBの検索をすることでした。

"Sapporo District Court rules for the first time in Japan that same-sex marriage is against the Constitution". When this news came out, my first action was to search the court's case database.


Because I want to read the sentence without foresight.


As I've said before, the text of the ruling is interesting in itself, without any lofty motives such as "primary information is important"


If you look at the information in the media, it will be "spoiled" and less interesting.


Unfortunately, at that time, the sentence was not yet reflected in the DB.


So, even though I'm a little late, I've just read the judgment and I'm laughing... not burst laughing,


もっとも,同性愛を精神疾患の1つとし,禁止すべきものとする知見は, 昭和55年頃までは通用していたものであり,それは教育の領域においても広く示されていた。

However, the knowledge that homosexuality is one of the mental disorders and should be prohibited was accepted until around 1980, and it was also widely shown in the field of education.


One of the reasons why the majority of people in the relatively older age group of 60 years old and above have a negative opinion about same-sex marriage is that such knowledge was accepted and as a result, negative opinions and values about same-sex marriage have been formed among the people.


In light of this history, the fact that there are not a few citizens who have such negative opinions and values is a circumstance that the legislature can take into consideration when exercising its discretionary power.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓

(1) 同性婚を、じじい達やばばあ達は、到底理解しないだろう

(1) Old guys and old ladies will never understand same-sex marriage.

(2) とは言え、票田を考えると、国会議員は、じじい達やばばあ達の存在を無視できないだろう。

(2) Nevertheless, given their voting power, Diet members will not be able to ignore the presence of the old guys and old ladies

(3) 上記(1)(2)を考えると、『同性婚を認める』という方向に立法府が動かんのは、まあ理解してやらんといかんだろう

(3) Considering (1) and (2) above, we have to understand that the legislature is not moving in the direction of 'recognizing same-sex marriage.

# まあ、一応、私も「じじい達」の範疇に入っているという自覚はあります。

# Well, I am aware that I am in the category of the "old guys".



However, the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is the difference in sexual orientation, which cannot be chosen or changed by a person's will, and there should be no difference in the legal benefits that can be enjoyed by persons of any sexual orientation.


Nevertheless, homosexuals are not provided with the legal means to enjoy even some of the legal effects of marriage.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓

(1) でもね、異性愛者と同性愛者の違いは、つまるところ「性的指向の差異」だけで、本人達に責任はないよね?

(1) But, the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is "difference in sexual orientation", and they are not responsible for it, right?

(2) これを結婚という制度の利益受益者として、"1"か"0"の2つしかないように扱うって、どうよ?

(2) Isn't it strange that we treat this as a beneficiary of the institution of marriage, as if there are only two choices, "1" or "0"?



In addition to these circumstances, and in light of the fact that there was no judicial decision on the constitutionality of the lack of a system for same-sex marriage, it must be said that it was not easy for the Diet to immediately recognize that this provision was in violation of Article 14, Section 1 of the Constitution.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓


(1) I think it's a bit pitiful for the Diet to unilaterally assume that 'the Diet is at fault' under such circumstances.



As described above, the Court finds that there is no reason for any of the plaintiffs' claims.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓


(1) Therefore, the plaintiff's claim for damages under the State Redress Law is dismissed.


―― あれ? この裁判、原告の敗訴?

"Huh? The plaintiff lost this case?"


We might be able to read it as above.


However, a (final) judgment takes effect from the entire text of the judgment.


In this judgment, this part of the judgment is very important.



The refusal to provide homosexuals with the legal means to enjoy even some of the legal effects of marriage is beyond the discretion of the legislature, and to that extent violates Article 14, Section 1 (equality under the law) of the Constitution.



It is important to note that the Sapporo District Court declared that the above state of affairs, where there are only two options, "1" or "0," is a violation of the Constitution.



I think that this ruling has not been finalized yet.


Even if the court decision is finalized with this content, if the government continues to fail to enforce the law on same-sex marriage and the system, the "negligence of the Diet" will be recognized, and every lawsuit after it is finalized will result in a decision subject to the State Compensation Law.


If this is the case, the plaintiff can decide that it would be better to let the judgment stand without filing an appeal.


On the other hand, the defendant that won the case, the "State," should not be able to appeal to the higher court.


However, in this ruling, the Sapporo District Court did not find any violation of Article 13 (respect (dignity) of the individual, the right to pursue happiness and public welfare) and Article 24 (freedom to form family relationships and equality between men and women) of the Constitution.


I haven't been able to follow up on how this trial is going to go (I'm working on it).


I will let you know when I know more.

2021-06-05 「批判は要だが腹が立つ」 [長年日記]


A few years ago,


"Running away is a shame, but useful"


the comedy-drama of the title was a big hit.



I'm currently brainstorming several times on various inventions, but to be honest, I'm out of ideas and dizzy.


"Criticism is necessary, but it makes me angry"


I'm wondering if anyone would like to make a drama about IT researchers.

2021-06-06 もしかしたら、当時の全共闘の方から、『革命的世界観を、工学的手法からアプローチすること自体が反革命だ!』と、自己批判を要求されるかもしれませんが。 [長年日記]


"You were laughing hysterically in your room around three o'clock this morning. So I woke up. What were you watching?" My wife asked me.

I was watching the movie "Yukio Mishima vs. the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto: 50 Years of Truth" on Amazon Prime.


Well, it was really fun.



This movie was released in April last year, but due to the declaration of a state of emergency against the new corona infection, all the movie theaters in the Tokyo metropolitan area stopped showing it.


I was wondering if I go to see a movie theater in a rural area, but I understood that "Tokyo residents" were "uninvited guests" in Japan at that time.


This time, it was available on Amazon Prime, and I jumped right on it.



Well, it was one of the most exciting documentary films I've seen in a long time.


I found Yukio Mishima to be a very fascinating person, and I liked his humor and witty way of telling stories very much.


I was also impressed by the logical and calm response of the representative of the Zenkyouto of University of Tokyo (well, there was also someone who didn't).


Also, the comments from the people and experts involved at the time, inserted in the middle of the video of the discussion, were a great help in understanding the content of the discussion.


で、所感なのですが ――

So, my impression was,


I think I understood most of what Yukio Mishima was arguing, but I could only understand about half of what the representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto was saying.


The terms used were "difficult". Rather, I couldn't understand them.


The biggest problem was that we could not objectify (what they call "things") what the representatives of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto were saying.



I listened to both of their arguments while creating a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram in my mind.

三島由紀夫氏の話は、現実世界のオブジェクトの態様 ―― 有体物があり、有体物(事物)には名前があり、名前は有体物の機能を説明するものであり、有体物には存続時間がある ―― という、オブジェクト指向プログラミングにおける、当たり前の世界の姿をベースとしていました。

Yukio Mishima's talk was based on the natural state of the world -- there are objects, objects (things) have names, names describe the function of objects, objects have a duration -- in object-oriented programming, based on real-world objects.


In contrast, the representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto seemed to argue that it is negative (counter-revolutionary?) to give a name to a changing tangible object (thing) and limit its function. It seemed to me that they were arguing that such a stance is negative (counter-revolutionary?), and that it even hampers the approach to finding a new meaning for open zones.

# たぶん、上記の理解で当っていると思うんだけど、間違っているかなぁ?

# I think I'm probably right in my understanding of the above, but I wonder if I'm wrong?


As it turns out, according to a representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto, I thought,

―― 私(江端)は、東大キャンパスの開放区を、オブジェクトモデルでプログラミングすることはできそうにないな

"I (Ebata) don't think I can program the open area of the University of Tokyo campus with an object model"



This means that (at least for me) "I cannot design an open zone" according to the specifications required by the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto.


On the other hand, I thought that Yukio Mishima's world view could be programmed using the object model.


Perhaps the Zenkyoto people at the time might ask me to criticize myself, saying, "Approaching a revolutionary worldview from an engineering perspective is itself a counterrevolution!"



And so, if you are a publisher who would like to write a book whose title is

『三島由紀夫 vs 東大全共闘 with オブジェクト指向プログラミング』

"Yukio Mishima vs Todai Zenkyoto with Object-Oriented Programming"


Please contact me.


Well, I think it's definitely "no".

2021-06-07 しかし、こういうコラムを書いた当事者としては、私の遺体を「飛び込み自殺」の実証実験に使って貰うことも、真剣に検討して貰う必要があるかな、と思っています。 [長年日記]


Daughter: "I was surprised to see that when I searched for 'suicide by jumping into a train,' your column came up as the third one on the top page"


I remembered her telling me that, so I gave it a try.

It's really coming out.


According to the editorial staff, the PV count of this column goes up every time whenever "a suicide by jumping into a train" happened.


Maybe today, the PV count is still going up.



What I did was a computer simulation, using simple equations of motion.


After all, it is just a "jumping" experiment in a computer.


If there is such a need for this column, I think it would be a good idea if the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or a consortium of railroad companies conducted a demonstration experiment using animal carcasses (or meat lumps of similar composition) and disclosed the data.


It would also be necessary to set up about 20 high-speed cameras on the side of the tracks, shooting at frames of 1/100 to 1/1000 of a second, to record the reality of the suicide by jumping into the train.


Of course, those images would be shocking and could cause PTSD.


I believe that the method of disclosure must be handled with great care and caution.


After my death, I have given permission for my body to be "utilized (transplanted)" way only.


However, as the person who wrote this column, I think I need to ask them to seriously consider using my death body as a demonstration of "jumping suicide".


This is a serious matter for me.

2021-06-08 ―― あー、いいなぁ、こういう会話、憧れるなぁ [長年日記]

「Numbers 天才数学者の事件ファイル シーズン2、エピソード16」のラストで、FBIに勤める息子と、引退した建築家の父親が、こんな会話をするシーンが出てきます。

At the end of "Numbers: The Case Files of a Mathematical Genius, Season 2, Episode 16, "there is a scene where a son who works for the FBI and his father who is a retired architect have this conversation.


Son: "You extremis"


Father: "Government dog"


After exchanging a few words, they grinned at each other.

―― あー、いいなぁ、こういう会話、憧れるなぁ

"Oh, I like it. I admire this kind of conversation"


I watched it with thinking that.



If my daughters became police or self-defense officers, this is the kind of conversation I wanted to have with them.

Daughter:"Convert to conservatism"


Me:"This police spy"

といって、お互いに、ウイスキータンブラーを鳴らす ――

And then they clink their whiskey tumblers at each other --


Unfortunately, I think the chances is not coming in the future.

2021-06-09 多分、彼等は、出没すると思います ―― 浅草や、銀座や、新宿や、渋谷、そして秋葉原に。 [長年日記]


When you participate in an international conference, there will be an "optional tour" or sightseeing tour during the conference.


Well, international conferences are usually held in famous tourist spots, so it's a kind of "reward" for the presenters who have been busy to death preparing their presentations before the conference.


I'm not sure if such "optional tours" exist in the Olympics or Paralympics, but normally the athletes could have enjoyed sightseeing in the host city.

もちろん今回は、日本国政府は、来日するアスリートやプレスに、国内を自由に濶歩させるようなことは、許すはずがありませんが ――

Of course, this time, the Japanese government will not allow athletes and the press to freely walk around the country, but...


In my opinion, an "athlete" or "press" is essentially a challenger.

多分、彼等は、出没すると思います ―― 浅草や、銀座や、新宿や、渋谷、そして秋葉原に。

Maybe they'll show up in Asakusa, Ginza, Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Akihabara.


If they can end up with "zero" in spite of tens of thousands of visitors to Japan, I believe that will be the "great achievement of the OLYMPALA".



Maybe it will never be zero.


Every day, the escapades of "athletes" and "press" is going to make the pages of newspapers and weekly magazines.


(1) Is the "athlete" or the "press" to blame for breaking the rules?


(2) Are the governance controls of the Olympic host committee to blame?


will be problems.

日本国政府が、違反した選手団を強制国外退去させる → その国との関係悪化 → 国交断絶 てなことになったら、嫌だなぁ、と危惧しています。

I'm afraid that the Japanese government will force the offending team to leave the country -> will worsen relations with that country -> will break off diplomatic relations.



Well, my predictions have been off, so I'm not too worried.

I once predicted that the US presidential election process would plunge the country into civil war. And I had made a wild prediction that the United States would plunge into civil war during the presidential election process, and that the leading states would declare independence.

But, well, I guess some of the predictions came true when 'there was an attack on the US Capitol by sympathizers of the defeated president.

2021-06-10 ―― 猛吹雪の中、雪をかき散らしながら、爆走する一台のカブ [長年日記]

アニメ「スーパーカブ 第10」話で、主人公が雪の中をノーマルタイヤでカブを走らせるシーンが登場します。

In the anime "Super Cub #10" episode, there is a scene where the main character drives the Cub through the snow with normal tires.


Driving on snowy roads is dangerous even for cars. However, in the case of motorcycles, it is a "confirmed fall" hazard.


But, well, even if I know that, there are times when it is unavoidable.


For example.

―― 午前中、晴天の天気の中に到着した大学の研究室から、深夜3時に豪雪となった京都の街を通過して下宿に帰る時

"From the college laboratory where I arrived in the morning in sunny weather, I have to pass through the city of Kyoto in heavy snowfall at 3 a.m. on my way back to my lodgings"



Snow in Kyoto can be very troublesome for motorcycle riders.


In a word, it's snow that doesn't freeze easily, and maintains a very ideal (and the worst for motorcycle riders ) ice burn for several days.


In my case, I was carrying a 9kg laptop computer "PC-9801LS" (list price 886,000 yen) in a sack every day (it's true), so it was practically impossible for me to move around without a motorcycle.


私、定価88万6千円のコンピュータを、バイトで稼いで、現金で購入しました ―― 学費と生活費を稼ぎながら、です。

I bought the computer with a list price of 886,000 yen in cash with a part-time job -- while earning money for school and living expenses.


My university life was filled with no romantic events, but (as I have already mentioned many times) I never thought of myself as an unlucky person.

『余計なことを考えずに済む、充実した激務の日々』 ―― この一言に尽きます。

"The days are full of hard work, and I don't have to think about anything else". That's all I could say.


I consider myself lucky that my "alone" nature and my "technology-loving" nature mesh surprisingly well together.


Aside from that.



When I was a senior in high school, after taking the entrance exam for Hokkaido University, I wandered around Hokkaido by train for almost two weeks in March.


I spent my days repeatedly buying a loaf of bread and pouring it down with water, while using a round trip ticket to visit various parts of Hokkaido (or rather, almost all parts of Hokkaido).


(Somehow, this meal itself is similar to the main character in the anime "Super Cub".)


During the journey, I saw

―― 猛吹雪の中、雪をかき散らしながら、爆走する一台のカブ

"a running motorcycle with blowing away snow in a blizzard"


from the train window.


The technique of the rider of that bike was truly amazing.


- While anticipating the movement of the bike as it is swept away by the snow,


- Without slowing down,


- Drafting the bike from side to side,


- Driving easily on roads with deep snow


- An old man in farming clothes


In fact, he was running alongside the train, which was a great speed.

―― なんて、かっこいいんだ・・・

"Oh, my God, he is so cool"


I clung to the window and kept watching the old man driving the Cub.



Whenever I remember that scene, I still think of the line from Porco Rosso (the anime "The Red Pig"), "That's what cool is".

2021-06-11 ―― テレワークって、我慢を強いる仕事なの? [長年日記]

―― テレワークって、我慢を強いる仕事なの?

"Teleworking needs a lot of patience?"


I think it's based on my own special environment, and my arrogance.


I have always used a keyboard within three days until I was 19 years old.


Computer is now a part of my body.


So, I don't feel pain in teleworking itself.


This news of "Many people are furious about teleworking policy during the Tokyo Olympics" seems to be a different argument from a problem about IT literacy.



The majority of jobs in the world can't be completed only by computer & remote work.

Looking at the data, 12.5% of workers do not use computers, but this doesn't means that 100% of work is computer-based.


Those who do not use computers 100% of the time are high among part-time workers (33.7%) and sales and service workers (25.2%).


However, since actual work is a hybrid of computer and non-computer work, the ratio of "work cannot be accomplished by telework alone" should be much higher.


Even if you think about it normally, telework is not viable for cleaning, customer service, line manufacturing, supermarkets, security, hairdressers, housekeeping, inspection, moving businesses, nursing care, farming, fishing, construction, and sales clerks in general.

As far as I can see from the data here, the "ratio of the working population that cannot be established by telework alone" is about "70%", which is the majority.


I just happen to be in the minority.





"Many people are furious about teleworking policy during the Tokyo Olympics"


is not a media demagogue, but a quantitative "many people" based on the data.

2021-06-12 まあ、TLS対応でないサーバにアクセスすると、ブラウザから『保護されていない通信』と名指しで批判されるような未来が来るとは思いませんでした。 [長年日記]


I couldn't get any video from the surveillance camera I had installed in my house and left it for a while.


The other day, I finally found the time to fix it.


In our house, I initially suspected a broken LAN cable, since I have passed LAN cables from window to window, outdoors.


Holding my laptop, I climbed up a ladder to the ceiling of the entrance, disconnected the LAN cable module of the installed camera, and tested the connection with the laptop to confirm the connection.


I was impressed with the durability of the LAN cable.


I had already left my flat LAN cable exposed outdoors, tucked in window frames for more than 10 years, and the cable was still alive.


Now that the "failure of the surveillance camera" was confirmed, I decided to replace it with another camera.


This camera has been working outdoors for 10 years, so I believe it has served its purpose well.



I did some research and found that the first year of production for this camera was 2004.


Naturally, this camera does not implement TLS (https) or SFTP, which are now common sense measures for secure communication.


I'm a little worried, but well, however, it's not a problem, as long as they don't break into Ebata's LAN.


The Ebata family's PC server has now been moved to the cloud, and there is no server that can be used as a stepping stone.



Well, I never thought I would see a future where browsers would criticize me by name for 'unprotected communication' when I access a server that is not TLS-enabled.


Recently, it has become troublesome to even find the IP address of my home PC easily because Windows 10 does not respond to pings.


Virtual environments such as Docker and cloud packaging such as AWS have also entered as network elements, and in general, it is difficult to work on building and maintaining network systems these days.



Recently, I heard that a company has announced a policy of "making network integrators a business.


To be honest, I didn't know what it was at first.


At least, I thought that building IP networks was in the realm of SIers(*).


(*)A company that undertakes a variety of tasks ranging from software design and operation to consulting (SIer)


But now, building an IP network has become a hassle.

これからは、"SIer"ならぬ、"NWer(エヌワイヤー:Network Integratorの略語?)"なる職種は、ソフトウェア開発と離れて、単独で存在する時代になるかもしれない、と思っています。

I believe that from now on, there will be a new type of job called "NWer" (an abbreviation of Network Integrator), not "SIer". I think it may be the time when "NWer" will exist independently from software development.

2021-06-13 付和雷同 ―― パソコンにしろ、OSにしろ、アプリにしろ、開発言語にしろ、これがもっとも大切な方針です。 [長年日記]


In the Ebata family, I had bought (or re-bought on my own) personal computers for my daughters before the Corona disaster occurred.


With such good fortune, my daughters were able to instantly adapt to remote classes.


However, the situation changed when my second daughter entered university.

―― PCの計算能力がショボすぎる

"PC's computing power is too poor"



My second daughter will now need to perform complex calculations of structural dynamics systems on a computer, so a computer that can do word processing, spreadsheets, and telework is not going to cut it.


The reason why I bought an 880,000 yen computer for personal use when I was a student was because I wanted to occupy a computer (at that time, computers were expensive and not something that each person could have) and also because the calculation power was poor.


(At any rate, today's Rasberry PI has more computing power than the mainframe in the university computing center at the time, but such comparisons are meaningless.)



This time, my second daughter asked me to select a computer.


(1) Specifications to be able to calculate complex structural dynamic systems.


(2) Must be a notebook PC


When I heard this much, I thought that this was the only "gaming machine" that I could find, and when I told my second daughter the results of my selection, she told me of an additional requirement.


(3) It should be small enough to carry around with you, as it will be used for lectures at the university.


This (3) requirement broke my estimate.


If she is trying to get computational power, desktops are the cheapest and easiest way to go.


However, Note PC have poor computing power. It has to be a heavy laptop (e.g. gaming machine).


This is a complete trade-off.



I've come to the conclusion that


(1) Thinking about the PC you will buy when you need to calculate structural dynamics in earnest.


(2) Buying a PC that has been owned by several friends and has a good reputation.


This was such a "backward-looking policy"


付和雷同 ―― パソコンにしろ、OSにしろ、アプリにしろ、開発言語にしろ、これがもっとも大切な方針です。

Assentation -- Whether it is a PC, OS, application, or development language, this is the most important policy.


Why does GAFA reign as the unchallenged platformer?


It's simple.


This is because of the large number of users.

2021-06-14 「余計な演出なんぞしない、記録映像とナレーションだけでいいんだけどな」と、考えていました。 [長年日記]


The other day,

I wrote that I was watching the movie "Yukio Mishima vs. the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto: 50 Years of Truth" on Amazon Prime.


So, I'm getting interested in "Mishima literature", but before I watched the movie whose title is

『11.25自決の日 三島由紀夫と若者たち』

"11.25 The Day of Self-Determination: Yukio Mishima and the Youth"



―― 一気に冷めました

"All at once, I felt blank"


I think, "I don't need any extra direction, just the documentary footage and narration".

『実録・連合赤軍 あさま山荘への道程』も同じ監督による作品であることが分かりましたので、見るのをやめることにしました。

I found out that "United Red Army: The Road to Asama-Sanso" was also directed by the same director, so I decided not to watch it.


I know about the Asama-Sanso incident to the extent that every time I go home, I look through the book "United Red Army of Soldiers" that I keep on my parents' bookshelf. That's why I think, "I would be very angry if it was staged in a strange way.


Well, everyone has their own preferences.


It just wasn't right for me.



I need your help.


I have the movie "The Tokyo Trials" on DVD, so if there are any films about Yukio Mishima or the United Red Army that have been edited for documentary footage like "The Tokyo Trials," please let me know.


Also, I would like to ask for the ones in which the All-Academic Congress, the National Committee of the Revolutionary Communist League, the Revolutionary Communist League of Japan, the Revolutionary Marxist Faction, the Revolutionary Workers' Association, etc.


Well, you know, the theme is "internal strife".


I'd like to do some research, and I'd like to get a quick grasp of the general feeling of these exercises from the video.

2021-06-15 という訳で ―― 江端家のガーベージコレクション(*)は、止めておいた方が良いと思います。 [長年日記]


Disposing of the materials (sometimes containing personal information) used for column reviews and other documentation is a vexing problem.


In the past, I used to burn these materials in my yard using paint cans, but recently I have stopped, considering the inconvenience to our neighbors.

(調べてみたら「絶対に禁止」という訳でもないようです(廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律 第16条の2第3項))

(I looked it up and it seems that it is not "absolutely prohibited" (Law Concerning Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing, Article 16-2, Paragraph 3))


Well, incineration is a hassle.


So, recently, I have been using the "two trash cans" method of disposal.



It's as simple as this: tear up the documents that have served their purpose as finely as possible on the spot, by hand, and throw what's left in your left hand into the left trash can, and what's left in your right hand into the right trash can.


And the garbage from those garbage cans is put out on separate garbage collection days.


For credit cards, it is necessary to cut the IC chip, name, and card number with scissors multiple times.


(For hard disks, etc., after physical formatting, I remove them from the computer, tread them down with car tires, and then dispose of them in non-combustible garbage.)


Well, even this may be a comfort. In the first place, even if you go through the garbage of the Ebata family, you won't find much confidential information.

という訳で ―― 江端家のガーベージコレクション(*)は、止めておいた方が良いと思います。

I think it's better to stop the garbage collection(*) of the Ebata family.


(*)One of the IT terms.

2021-06-16 ここ2年くらい、アニメ「フルーツバスケット(2019年度版)」を視聴していました。 [長年日記]


I have bought all the comic books at the same time several times.


It's usually a birthday present for my daughters.


"Banana fish"


"The Life of Professor Yanagisawa, Genius"


"Him and Her situation"


And, well, the list goes on and on.


I am not so sure that I like all of those comics that I have purchased.


For example, "Him and Her situation" was well received by my family, except for me.


However, I had seen Anno's anime "Him and Her situation", so I was expecting the positive feeling, and I could not accept the comics.



For the past two years, I've been watching the anime Fruits Basket (2019).


Watching this anime broadcast, I found the new interpretation (creation) of the twelve zodiac stories in this comic so interesting that I am considering buying all the volumes at once.


I did some research and found some great stuff.

―― 全世界累計発行部数3000万部

"30 million copies in circulation worldwide"


I think that this may become a classic work.

2021-06-17 という訳で、私のこの一年間の日報には、全て「健康状態:良好」が記載され続けています。 [長年日記]


Lately, I've been unable to say "I'm not feeling well" easily.


Probably because it would be a big deal.


However, I've been stuck at work lately, which has caused me to have insomnia, and it's true that I'm not feeling well.


In the past, when this happened, I would report to my supervisor or leader, saying, "I'm sick at work, insomnia, slight fever, and not feeling well.


I once sent a text message to the office saying, "I couldn't walk straight when I woke up this morning, so I'm taking the morning off today".


I just reported it correctly.



Currently, if I were to say that I am not feeling well, I would be the first to suspect a new coronavirus infection.


Well, I think that's right.


Rather, we need a society and a company that works on the premise of suspicion.


If I am suspected of having a new corona infection, I don't mind at all.


If I were to be discriminated against the infection, I'm going to expose the incident to the world with the real names of all the people involved.



The tedious part is probably the follow-up communications and reports that are requested from all sides.


"I can't stand it when I'm sick and have to do more paperwork"



Therefore, my daily reports for the past year have continued to show "Health Status : Good".

2021-06-18 だって、『電卓を「信じる」とか「信じない」』って言い方する人、いますか? [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (12) STEM education(1)

Programming Education Shatter "Fear of AI" and "Illusion of the PC"?



I once wrote a column about the results of a simple simulation of population estimation in Japan, and I received a comment that said, "I don't believe in computer simulation results".


I had no idea what this guy was talking about, but a few days later, I noticed that

―― あ、この人は、コンピュータのシミュレーションの結果を『当たる』とか『当たらない』という風に使うものだと思っているんだ

"Oh, she thinks that the results of a computer simulation are used as 'hit' or 'not hit'"


ちなみに、コンピュータでシミュレーションしている人(研究者等)は ―― 『絶対に』と断言してみせますが ―― 自分のそのシミュレーション結果の未来になることを『絶対に』信じていません。

By the way, persons (researchers, etc.) who can computer simulations, never believe that the result of their simulation results are future. I will assure that.


It's obvious.


This is because the unknown uncertainties of the future and their values are not known at this time.


This is because there is no way to run a simulation without setting up a hypothesis, such as, "What will happen if the same daily conditions continue for the next 100 days?"


If you can enter a value 100 days into the future in a simulator, then you don't need to do the simulation in the first place.



As I said in this column, this is not an exaggeration or trivialization, but in the truest sense of the word, what the computer is doing is

―― 電卓のキーを押しているだけ

"just pressing the keys on the calculator"



The only difference is that it is super high volume and super fast.

だから、『コンピュータによるシミュレーション結果は信じない』というフレーズは、私にとっては「電卓で"3 + 5 = 8"になることを信じない」というくらい、理解不能だったのです。

So the phrase "I don't believe in computer simulation results" was as incomprehensible to me as "I don't believe that 3 + 5 = 8" on a calculator".



However, we know that the results of computer simulations can be delivered to some extent for an unknown future (even if uncertain future events exist).

全く見えない未来よりは、マシ ―― コンピュータとか、プログラムは、本来そういうものなのです。

It's better than a future you can't see at all.That's what computers and programs are all about.

シミュレーションの結果を「信じる」とか「信じない」とかいう言葉が登場してくる ―― それくらい、私たちの多くは、コンピュータや、プログラムを、理解していないのです。

Words like "believe" and "don't believe" appear in the simulation results. That's how little most of us understand computers and programs.


Because who says 'I believe in calculators' or 'I don't believe in calculators'?



In this sense, I have high hopes for compulsory "programming education".


The computer is not a "future prediction machine", but a single bug in the program can produce totally messed up values.


A computer is not a "magic box".


You can see this immediately by writing your own simulation program.


If you experience programming in the Scratch language, even a child should be able to understand it.


Not to mention.

―― こんなもの(プログラム)で、人間の知性を越えるようなものが作れるはずがない

"There's no way that something like this (a program) can be made to surpass human intelligence"



という訳で ――



I will continue to say


"If you can make something like that, go ahead and make it"




"Show me what you've actually made, and then show me your smug face"


2021-06-19 ―― 1943年の段階で、連合国の政府は、アウシュビッツの大量虐殺を知っていた [長年日記]


I know enough about Unit 731, the research institute of the Imperial Japanese Army, My Lai Massacre, Les Khmers rougesm, Ethnic Cleansing" in the Bosnian Conflict, and could give you an overview.


Among them, I did a lot of research, especially about Auschwitz in Nazi Germany.


I also have known about the "Sonderkommando" who were forced to be part of the Nazi genocide despite being Jewish.

という訳で、もう滅多なことでは、驚かないつもりでしたが、NHKスペシャル「アウシュビッツ 死者たちの告白」を見て衝撃を受けました。

I thought I would never be surprised by anything, but I was shocked when I saw the NHK special "Auschwitz: Confessions of the Dead".

―― 1943年の段階で、連合国の政府は、アウシュビッツの大量虐殺を知っていた

"As early as 1943, the Allied governments knew about the genocide at Auschwitz"


To tell you the truth, I did not know the fact.


"If we move to stop the genocide, Germany could switch to a policy of driving Jews to other countries rather than exterminating them"


"If we were to actively accept Jews, people's frustration would be directed at the government"


In other words, 'the world has abandoned the Jews.



Of course, it was a shock, but more than that, I was shocked by the fact that Polish agents had infiltrated the Auschwitz camp.


The phrase "life-threatening mission" is often used, but I wondered if there were people who could carry out intelligence activities in an extermination camp.


When I learned of this, I vowed once again, "I have never, and will never, do anything that goes against the power of the state.


If the state power gets serious, it really shouldn't be a big deal to erase me.

By the way, my family has told me, "If it comes to that, run away on your own (don't rely on us)"


『私達は世界中から見捨てられた』 ―― この事実だけで、イスラエルとしては十分なのでしょう。

The fact that "we had been abandoned by the world" is enough for Israel.


This is evident in last month's ferocious Israeli retaliatory strike against Hamas, which effectively controls the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

単純に死者数を見ても"10倍返し"ですが、2014年での紛争では、死者数比率 パレスチナ:イスラエル = 1221人:56人で、"20倍以上返し"です。

Simply looking at the number of deaths, it is a "tenfold return. In the 2014 conflict, the death toll ratio was Palestine:Israel = 1221:56, a "return of more than 20 times".

# この比較自体が、非人道的でナンセンスという批判は、甘んじて受けるつもりです。

# I'm going to indulge the criticism that this comparison itself is inhumane and nonsense.


今さらながら、ですが ――

After all this time


I wonder if Israel thinks that 'the world has and will continue to abandon us again and again.

2021-06-20 ―― 軒下を作ることは目的ではない。手段だ [長年日記]


The open window facing the children's room on the second floor does not have eaves, which makes it easy for rain to fall in.


So, my wife asked me if I could make an eave.

しかし ――



- I don't want to make a hole in the exterior wall.


- I have no expertise in steel pipe processing.


- Lumber has durability issues.


- Plastic tin is cheap looking.


I've been thinking about it all weekend, and then I had a moment of realization.

―― 軒下を作ることは目的ではない。手段だ

"Building an eave is not an end. It's a means to an end"



So I'm currently ordering parts from Amazon to handle this.


I will inform you of the results later.

2021-06-21 私の考える「東京モデル」では、『無観客開催が望ましい』です。 [長年日記]


I am a supporter of the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics, which are only 32 days away.

The reason for supporting the event in the midst of this corona disaster is, as I have already mentioned, to establish the "Tokyo Model" that will be used all over the world for the next 100 years.


In my view, the "Tokyo model" is to hold the event without an audience.


This is because the "Tokyo model" will operate in a way that is decidedly different from traditional modern Olympics/Paralympics events.

それ故、その「差分データ」が大きな「財産」になります。そしてそれは ―― 人類に残せる財産となるはずです。

Therefore, the "differential data" will become a great "asset". And it will be an asset that can be left to mankind.



Our country (Japan) has continued to provide the world with very valuable and important negative data.


In recent years,

- 史上最悪のレベル7における原発事故の事故/事故後対策(住民避難、廃炉、住民帰還(しかも、廃炉と同時進行の))

- Accident and post-accident measures (evacuation, decommissioning, and return of residents (and simultaneous decommissioning)) for the worst Level 7 nuclear power plant accident in history.

- バブル経済破綻後の、10年以上にも及ぶ国内不況と、それに対する各種の財政対策

- After the collapse of the bubble economy, the domestic recession lasted for more than 10 years and various fiscal measures were taken to cope with it.

- 世界で最先端である少子高齢化の進行と、(効果の有無はどうあれ)それに対する対策

- The world's most advanced aging society with a declining birthrate and measures to deal with it (whether effective or not).


A little further back,

- 高度経済成長期における経済最優先対策によって引き起された公害事件と、その被害、裁判記録、損害の算定

- Pollution incidents triggered by economic priority measures during the period of rapid economic growth, their damage, court records, and calculation of damages.


Going back even further.

- The reality of atomic bomb damage aimed at killing civilians.

- 戦後の復興

- Postwar Reconstruction



Japan is a "negative data advanced country" that has provided the world with a vast amount of valuable data.


And governments in many countries could have implemented various policies based on the Japanese use case (in fact, "Japan's Bubble" has become a bible for monetary policy around the world).

無論、こんなこと、避けれるものであれば、避けたかった ―― 多くの人が苦しみ、現在も苦しみ続けて、そして死んでいった(殺されていった)。

Of course, we would have avoided this if we could have -- many people have suffered, continue to suffer, and have died (or been killed).


But if it has happened, the findings should be put to good use.


東京五輪の開催によって、コロナの第5波がくるのは、確実 ―― というか、誰が考えたって『確定した未来』です。

With the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics, the fifth wave of Corona is sure to come -- or rather, it's a "definite future.


Then the negative aspects that will be generated by hosting the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics should be recorded with the highest possible accuracy.

このような一か八かをかけた国際的イベントを実施するのであれば、そのイベントを、可能な限り非日常的態様 ―― 無観客開催で ―― 実施することで、有意な『差分』が観測できるはずです。

If we are going to hold an international event like this, we should hold it in as unusual a manner as possible -- without an audience -- so that we can observe a significant "difference".



This can be shown to large-scale events around the world in response to pandemics that are likely to occur several times over the next 100 years, whose name is


"Tokyo Model"


2021-06-22 「でも阿良々木君、目の前の女の子は救った方が良い」」」 ← この3つの括弧を書き込みたくて、仕方がないのです。 [長年日記]

私は日記やコラムを執筆する時に、自分の台詞の中に、自分の心の声含める時に、 "――" を、よく使います。

I often use "--" when I am writing a diary or a column, when I want to include the voice of my heart in my dialogue.


An example is

『SNSで発信しているメッセージの内容 ―― 上品か下品か、知性的か痴性的か、話題や言葉の品格や品性 ―― が、どうであれ、』

"Regardless of the content of the messages they send on social networking sites -- whether they are classy or vulgar, intelligent or lascivious, dignified or decent in topic or language --



I could say that it is like using relative pronouns in English, but from the perspective of technical writing, it is not a recommended way of writing.



In the works of Ishin Nishio, famous for the Bakemonogatari series, there is a distinctive way of writing.


This is a method of omitting closing parentheses in the main character's lines, as opposed to opening parentheses.


"For you, the destruction of this world is just another route.


"Saving the world is just my selfish request, so you don't need to listen to it at all.


"But, Araragi-kun, you should save the girl in front of you.


(I think this is how it was used.)



I'm sure 99% of the programmers in the world will probably agree with me, and I think this style of omitting parentheses to be quite stressful.


It is "Nest error".


Many computer languages use parentheses such as "{","}" to define their processing units.


If the parentheses are not paired, the computer will say that it cannot process them, resulting in a compilation error.

  for (int i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++) {
	for (int j = 0; j < nFields; j++) {
	  printf("%-15s", PQgetvalue(res, i, j));


In the above list, the number of "{" does not correspond to the number of "}", resulting in an error.


So, I may have a hell of a time finding it, or I may make a mistake in nesting, and your program may behave like a mess.


Statements with unclosed nests are hard to watch for me.



Of course, the writing style of Nishio Ishin-sensei is a complete content, including the way he expresses himself, so this is "good".

―― ですが



As a programmer,


"For you, the destruction of this world is just another route.


"Saving the world is just my selfish request, so you don't need to listen to it at all.

「でも阿良々木君、目の前の女の子は救った方が良い」」」 ← この3つの括弧を書き込みたくて、仕方がないのです。

"But, Araragi-kun, you should save the girl in front of you"""

I can't help but want to write these three parentheses.

2021-06-23 ―― 自分のWebサイトのハッキング [長年日記]

As noted here, all links to EE Times Japan has changed.


(I know that they will be redirected for a few years, so it doesn't seem to matter right now)

当然ですが、私の日記やらその他のコンテンツは、EE Times Japanの記事へのリンクが、(誇張ではなく)山ほどあります。

Of course, my diary and other contents have a lot of (not exaggerated) links to EE Times Japan articles.


In particular, there are a huge number of links in the kobore.net diary, and I have to deal with this.


And now I'm...

"Hacking my own web site"




I'm in the process of hacking into WordPress, but it's not working.


"Where is the main body of content? !" I am shouting, with staring at the console screen and tapping at the keyboard.

2021-06-24 ―― もし、kobore.netや、wp.kobore.netが、事故でクラッシュしたらどうしよう? [長年日記]

Since the recent "Zero Reset Accident," I have been caught in a strange kind of intimidation.

―― もし、kobore.netや、wp.kobore.netが、事故でクラッシュしたらどうしよう?

"What if kobore.net or wp.kobore.net is broken by a server crash or server attack?"



After installing WordPress last year, I have been truly amazed at how easy it is to store/publish data.


By simply throwing any information into WordPress at random, I can easily search for it when I encounter the same problem, saving me a horrible amount of my work time.


It's no exaggeration to say that WordPress is 'my second brain'.


Even "The Zero Reset Accident" is such a shock to me.


If kobore.net and wp.kobore.net are destroyed, I don't think I'll be able to get back on my feet.



Of course, I also do regular full backups of my content.


However, the size of my website, which I started in 1993, is enormous (although the base is text).


There are many stories of "backed up archives could not be restored," and I've experienced it myself many times.



Talking with a rude junior colleague the other day,

―― 江端さんがこれまでの人生で書いてきた、100本の特許明細書が、特許庁のDBから消滅したら、どうします?

"Ebata-san. What would you do if the 100 patent specifications you have written in your life disappeared from the Patent Office's DB?"


I mumbled to myself,


"Seriously, I think I might kill myself"


As I wrote here, I need a "quantified number" to recognize myself -- at least for me.


という訳で、「kobore.netや、wp.kobore.netが、事故でクラッシュした」時でも運用が続けられるように、先日、Raspberry Pi 4のセット一式を購入しました。

So, I bought a complete Raspberry Pi 4 set the other day so that I will be able to continue to operate it even when "kobore.net or wp.kobore.net crashes by accident".


I am now going to start constructing and operating a local server that is a complete clone of kobore.net and wp.kobore.net.


Well, it will take some time, but it is the only way I can think of to free myself from the threat of server crashes and server attacks.

2021-06-25 ―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ [長年日記]


I cannot say much about the Supreme Court's decision on marital separation.


Because I recognize a name as an "object identifier".


This is because I believe that everyone should be able to change both their "last name" and their "first name" to any identifier they want, of their own free will, at the age of legal majority (18).


I think the closest way to think about this is the "self-discriminating function" of trademarks.



From a system engineer's point of view, the "family register" is a very well-designed system.


From the point of view of the controller (state power), it is very convenient to be able to manage the individual as a component in the box (structure) of the family.


As long as there is a framework of the family, the roles of patriarch, protector, and protected are created, and even if left alone, the individual will be managed within this framework.

# 同時に、虐待や性暴力やDVを発生させるという弊害も作り出していますが。

# At the same time, we are creating harm by generating abuse, sexual violence and domestic violence.


The biggest advantage of this system is tax payment. It is a very convenient system because it allows you to roughly calculate the total amount of tax payments in units of households.


If you think about the fact that students are grouped into "classes" until high school, it is easy to understand.


『じゃあ、どうやって個人を管理するか?』と問われれば、もう既に存在しているじゃないですか ―― 『マイナンバーカード』が。

If you're asking, "Well, how do we manage individuals? I can answer that "My Number Card" already exists.


Younger people may not know this, but the "My Number Card," which exists today as a matter of course, is a system that was called the "Total National ID Number System" until about 2000 A.D. Every time the government proposed this system, it was crushed by the people.

私も、当然「叩き潰す側」でしたよ ―― そんなもの、国家に持たせたら、簡単にジョージオーウェルの「1984」の世界がやってくる、と信じていましたから。

Of course, I was on the side of the "crushers" -- I believed that if the state had such system, the world of George Orwell's "1984" could appear easily.


But, you know, in the end, the crimes have been identified by surveillance cameras and located by GPS phones. And nobody doesn't say anything about them.


On the contrary, those images are usually broadcasted on the news, aren't they?


At the end of the day, we have chosen a "safe society with mutual monitoring of crime" over "invasion of personal privacy.


I'm sure we've been given plenty of time to complain.


Let's be more specific.

「グーグルマップ ストリートビュー」に対して、差し止め裁判を起こした町内会、自治会は、全て裁判を取り下げました。

All of the neighborhood and community associations that filed lawsuits against Google Maps Street View have withdrawn their lawsuits.


This fact alone is sufficient.


This is a bit off topic.



We have voluntarily accepted to be "controlled by the state with numbers".


Then, we should be managed by numbers, as the state expects.


If the system is managed by numbers, we don't need for households, or even for surnames and first names (although they will remain in a formal sense).


If it used to take several days to mobilize a large number of government workers to look up a family register, today's computer system would complete the job in seconds.


If the computer manages the individual, it will undoubtedly be less expensive, faster to process, and reduce the dynamic of labor costs.


If the state tries to interfere with the computer, the evidence will remain, and if it tries to erase the evidence, the evidence of the erasing process will remain.


Arbitrary intervention by the state would also be more difficult and troublesome than ever before (though not impossible, if the state power gets serious).



So, back to the subject at hand, I think that

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ

"Why are the courts and the Diet in such a mess over the "handling of identifiers"?"


■夫婦別姓? ―― それどころか、"マイナンバー"で結婚届けを受理すればいいじゃん?

Separate surnames for married couples? -- On the contrary, why don't we just use "my number" to accept marriage registrations?

■氏名改名の権利? ―― 親権解除後に、自分の名前を自分が決定するのは当然の権利だろう?

The right to change one's name? -- After termination of parental rights, it is my right to decide my own name, isn't it?

■立法府(国会)や裁判所の判断の押しつけあい? ―― そりゃ、あんたたちが、氏名なる「記号」に、何かの幻想を持っているからだよ

Forcing the legislature (Diet) and the courts to make decisions for each other? -- That's just because you have some kind of illusion about the "symbol" that is your name.


That's what I usually think about.


その一方で、『ここまで徹底した"氏名 = 記号"の考え方に賛同してくれる人は、絶無だろうな』ということも分かっています。

On the other hand, I know that there are probably no people who would agree with such a thorough "name = symbol" approach.


In fact, I think there are many people who are reading this diary today and cannot understand my idea.


That's why I keep my mouth shut (just writing).

2021-06-26 「さっさと『9条』を改正すればいいのよ」と、あの娘が言った日 (再掲) [長年日記]


The floor of my study was scraped by the legs of the chair I was sitting on, and spikes of wood began to wisp out.


As a result, the spikes started to sting the soles of my feet, so I decided to put a small carpet over the area where the chair would move.


It's unsightly, but the carpet is held in place with cloth tape to prevent it from moving.


However, the cloth tape tears periodically, so each time it happens, I keep putting cloth tape over it.


It looks like this.


When I was looking at this carpet and cloth tape, I thought that it?

―― 憲法第9条(2項)みたいだ

Looks like Article 9 (Section 2) of the Constitution.



中島みゆきさんの歌「糸」風に語れば ――

In the style of Miyuki Nakajima's song "Ito"...


The vertical tape shows the PKO Cooperation Law (1992)-♪


The horizontal tape is based on the Peripheral Situation Act (1999)-♪


The diagonal left tape is the Three Principles on the Transfer of Defense Equipment (2014)-♪


The diagonal right tape is the Peace and Security Law (2015)-♪



I don't think you understand what I'm talking about (obviously), so please read the "The Day my girlfriend said" series here.

The Day my girlfriend said, "The Diet Should Just Amend Article 9" (Part 1)

The Day my girlfriend said, "The Diet Should Just Amend Article 9" (Part 2)

The Day my girlfriend said, "The Diet Should Just Amend Article 9" (Part 3)

2021-06-27 ―― 『読みやすい文章』っていうのは、こういうものさ [長年日記]


I was impressed with how good it was.


The text is a model of technical writing.


If you are a beginner in science, please read this text.

# お前のことだよ > 江端家次女

# It's you, my daughter.

―― 『読みやすい文章』っていうのは、こういうものさ

This is what "readable writing" is all about.



Recommendations on the Risk of Spread of Novel Coronavirus Infection Associated with the Hosting of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games

2021-06-28 第1回目、ワクチン接種報告 [長年日記]


On June 24 (Thursday), my wife, who works as a restaurant worker, told me that the vaccination coupons will be delivered from the city office today, so watch the mailbox every hour.


That morning, I found the vaccination coupon in my mailbox.


Immediately, I accessed the city hall's website and searched for nearby clinics, only to find that the earliest appointment would be a month later.


Also, the large vaccination center had already stopped accepting applications for the second round of vaccinations due to priority.


I wasn't in too much of a hurry because I work from home, but my wife, who works in the food and beverage hospitality industry, was in a great hurry.



After listening to my brief explanation of the situation, my wife tried to access the phone directly.


The man at the call center said, "It's a long way from here, but...," but we both shouted, "We'll go anywhere!"


But it was really far. According to the search results, it was a 70-minute drive one way, all the way across the city.


It was a small clinic located in a housing complex.


The Google Street View photo showed an old lady and a cat.



For our 15:00 appointment, we arrived at the designated clinic by private car around 13:45.


The parking lot for cars (about 7 cars) was full, but after 5 minutes of waiting, the parking lot became available.


I was writing my diary (this) on my laptop in the car. Around 14:30, the number of people waiting outside was decreasing, so we submitted our medical questionnaire and got a clear file with numbers "1" and "2".

一応自宅で検温はしたのですが、3本の体温計が、それぞれ 35.2度 36.3度 35.5度 とバラバラの結果になり、どれも信用できません。

I took my temperature at home, but all three thermometers gave different results, 35.2 degrees, 36.3 degrees, and 35.5 degrees, respectively, and I couldn't trust any of them.


However, when I took my temperature at the clinic, I was surprised to find that it was 36.9 degrees Celsius.


(The results of my wife's temperature checked at the clinic were too difficult to be described here, so we asked them to adopt the results of her temperature check at home.)



We were sitting in a chair in the waiting room of the clinic, and after a brief explanation by the doctor in charge, the doctor and the nurse suddenly came over to us, without asking any questions, and started crunching away at us from one end to the other.

診察室に入ることもない、待合室での接種 ―― 生まれて初めての体験でした。

It was the first time in my life that I was inoculated in a waiting room without even entering the examination room.


The injection time was about 5 seconds per injection, and the response time per patient was less than 30 seconds.


I don't know what kind of needle they use, but I was surprised to find out that it didn't hurt at all.

そんなこんなで、本日 14:48に、第一回接種完了。

So, at 14:48 today, the first round of vaccination was completed.


After 15 minutes of anaphylactic observation, we left the room.


It may sound like 'livestock handling' when I describe it like this, but it is very efficient and well-designed.

正直、感動しました ―― 『場数を踏めば、システムは精錬されていく』をライブで見た、という気持ちです。

To be honest, I was very impressed -- I felt like I had seen a live performance of "The more times they do it, the more refined the system becomes.



Currently, I have not had any adverse reactions and am back to work (writing patent specifications).


I will keep you posted if there is anything else.

2021-06-29 ―― 米軍に投降しようとする日本人の民間人を銃殺しようとする日本兵 [長年日記]

I watched the BS NHK special "Battle of Okinawa, without escapeway" of the first and last half throughout.


During the new Corona disease, I think I have had often chances to watch (Recorded) TV programs.


However, set is aside,


Needless to say, "Hell beyond the limits of human being imagination " was portrayed in an unflinching and intense manner.


If you want to know about these historical events, it is better to watch documentaries like this than movies made in Hollywood.


I think we should realize the ridiculousness of war movies that depict "family love" and "marital love" in this kind of hell.



In this documentary program, the story of

―― 米軍に投降しようとする日本人の民間人を銃殺しようとする日本兵

"Japanese soldier tries to shoot a Japanese civilian who is trying to surrender to US forces"




In the same environment and position, I am sure that I would have killed my civilian just like this Japanese soldier.


It makes no sense to criticize the "hell of the unusual" from the safety of our daily lives, where we are guaranteed to live, have enough food and sleep 75 years in the future.



We are the kind of idiots who shy away from taking even the legally guaranteed "annual leave" because of the atmosphere in the workplace or the boss's face. So we will make us


"Japanese soldiers trying to kill Japanese civilians"



I think that the proverb of "On battlefield, the person to make a justice argument will be killed first" is true.


(*) I thought these were Sun Yat-sen's words, but I couldn't find them in the documents. If anyone knows who said it, please let me know.


Once we have created a battlefield, everyday logic no longer applies.


Therefore "Never make any battlefield" is important.

2021-06-30 「伝えなければならない想い」と「受けとらなければならない想い」は、等価ではありません。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

昨日の「沖縄戦 出口なき戦場」の他、NHKスペシャル「映像の世紀」「(原発事故)廃炉への道」「MEGAQUAKE 巨大地震」など、私は、追い立てられるような気持ちで視聴しています。

In addition to yesterday's "Battle of Okinawa: A Battlefield Without a Way Out," I have been watching NHK specials such as "Century of Movies," "(Nuclear Power Plant Accident) Road to Decommissioning," and "MEGAQUAKE: A Huge Earthquake" as if I were being driven to watch them.

私は、「今のような、民主的で、安全で、災害のない毎日がこれからも続く」 ―― そんなことは1mmも信じていないからです。

This is because I don't believe at all that we will continue to have democratic, safe, and disaster-free days like we do now.


Before the Pacific War, Japan was a nation of laws with sovereignty of the people, and the judiciary, the executive and the legislature functioned as we do today.


Even in Germany, before the rise of Nazi Germany, the Weimar constitution was in effect, which proclaimed the sovereignty of the people.


In little more than a decade, it has become a police state, a militarist state, and a dictatorship.


One only has to look at what is going on in Hong Kong and Myanmar to watch persons who advocate for "rights" and "justice" are easily imprisoned and killed.

―― なのに、なんで、みんな、そんな自信タップリに安心していられるの?

"So how can you all be so confident and secure?"


I think so from the bottom of my heart.



I have learned from history that "justice" and "righteousness" have a 'expiration date'.


So, I am always ready to make sure that only I (and my family) can escape during the 'expiration date'.


In "After the Expiration Date," I've been writing whatever I want in my blogs and columns, and I'm sure I'll be at the top of the kill list.



My family members stay in their rooms when I try to watch the above mentioned documentary programs.


Well, I think that this can't be helped.


From now on, various special programs will be aired for the anniversary of the end of the war in August, but probably few Japanese will take them seriously.


"Feelings that must be conveyed" and "Feelings that must be received" are not equivalent.

その想いの強さにおいて、「伝えなければならない想い」 >>>>> 「受けとらなければならない想い」という感じで、私の主観値としては、1000倍~1万倍くらいの差があると思います。

In terms of the strength of those feelings, I think there is a difference of 1,000 to 10,000 times in the subjective value of "feelings that must be conveyed" >>>>> "feelings that must be received".


I think that history education should be restructured based on the premise that "the lessons of history cannot be passed on to future generations"



If I were a history teacher, I would make and submit the following questions.


(1)沖縄戦、(2)広島原爆投下、(3)東京大空襲 を、民間人(非戦闘員)の死者数の多い順に並び替えよ

Sort (1) the Battle of Okinawa, (2) the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and (3) the air raid on Tokyo, in order of the number of civilians (non-combatants) killed.




At the very least, it is better than today's conceptual history education because it can convey the scale of the tragedy.


I think it's better than the current situation where we are mass producing children who don't know that the US and Japan were at war.