
2019-02-01 TOEICや英検の勉強で、一生に何回使うか分からない英単語の暗記に、膨大な時間を費すのも人生です ―― 私には理解致しかねますが。 [長年日記]


Currently, I am asking questions about the source code of people who are developing open source, which is a university in Germany, about 1 time each day.


He is a very kind person. If I ask questions about the code, he developed the code I wanted and ,publish the code within that day.


Thanks to him, I don't come to think "human beings should die" at the last minute.



It is "English (mail of morning)" that we can communicate about technical issues between Germany and Japan.

―― 英語って、やっぱり便利だなぁ

"English is convenient"


I think.

By the way, I am a genuine "Japanese English" user.

そして、これからも"Native English"なんぞに、1mm足りとも、労力を払うつもりはありません。

And, I also have no intention to pay for being "Native English" speaker from now.

TOEICや英検の勉強で、一生に何回使うか分からない英単語の暗記に、膨大な時間を費すのも人生です ―― 私には理解致しかねますが。

It also a life to spend a huge amount of time to memorize English words, that you do not know how many times you will use in your life. I don't not understand it.

私は、TOEICとか英検などという、英語のランク付けに血道を上げる時間があれば、世界中のエンジニアに"Japanese English"のメールを出しまくります。

I will rather mail of "Japanese English" to engineers around the world, than try to rank up of such as TOEIC or Eiken.


And, I choose life "to be kind to their people".


ちなみに、私が、C/C++ (not including STL)ユーザであることも、何度もご紹介しましたが、今回の日独技術協議は、"英語"と"Python言語"で話が進められています。

By the way, I have told you that I am a C / C ++ (not including STL) user many times, and the discussion on this day's German - Japan technical consultation is underway in "English" and "Python language".


I acknowledge that Python is currently the universal language of the program at the present time.


This language is certainly "easy".


Even just saying "no compile" is sufficiently helpful.


No strong insistence on object orientation and execution speed is fairly fast (Of course, compared with C / C ++, it is "slow", but this comparison is cowardly).


Well, more than that, there are lots of libraries, and users, mostly "there are many books".


Anyway in the world of politics, "number is power" is absolute in the world of computer languages.


30年前に、PC8001MK2に標準実装されていた言語が、BASICでなくて、Pythonであれば、私もかなりラクができたと思うのですが ―― 例えば、友人に助けて貰いながら、マシン語でコードした日々の悪夢とか。

Thirty years ago, if the language that was standard implemented in PC8001MK2 was not BASIC but Python, I think that I was pretty lucky. For example, the day-to-day nightmares coded in machine language while getting my friend's help.


Well, as there was such a time, I am now able to use most programming languages in about one day in general.


However, I do not mean to say stupid things, "Do buy the hardships when you are young."


(I've tried a bit google serach now, but I still got someone who is writing such stupid things.They are really fool aren't they?)


I just think, "When I was young, I could have cut corners I had a current high-performance computer and Python."

2019-02-02 「パパのせいだからね!」 [長年日記]


My senior daughter(SD) is irritated to acquaintance of the temperament that "Nobody can do that except me!"



SD:"You are to blame!"




SD:"Everyday, you are making a fool of the person who says "Nobody can do that except me"



Well she is reasonable.


My motto is,

―― 俺がやらなきゃ、誰"か"がやる

"Anybody can do that except me"


2019-02-03 「かぐや様は告ら"せ"たい」という、"使役形"を使っている点にあります。 [長年日記]


I tried searching my page with "Anime".

「ヘヴィーオブジェクト」「PSYCHO-PASS」「ソードアート・オンライン」「サーバントxサービス」「ゴールデンタイム」「幼女戦記」「シュタインズゲート」「魔法少女まどか マギカ」「化物語シリーズ」「BEATLESS」「刀語」「氷菓」「ゆるキャン△」「夏目友人帳」「ヨルムンガンド」「ACCA13区監察課」「4月は君の嘘」「月刊少女野崎くん」「ばらかもん」「ヴァイオレットエヴァーガーデン」「俺の恋愛ラブコメはまちがっている」(多分、まだある)

"Heavy Object" "PSYCHO-PASS" "Sword Art Online" "Servant x Service" "Golden Time" " The Saga of Tanya the Evil" "Steins;Gate" "Magical Girl Madoka Magika" "Bakemonogatari Series" "BEATLESS" "Katana Story" "Frozen desserts" "Laid-Back Camp" "Natsume Yujincho book" "Jorumungang" "ACCA 13 district inspection section" "Your Lie in April" "Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun" "Barakamon" "Violet Evergarden" "My Romantic Comedy Is Wrong,As I Expected" (probably still there)

―― どれも、文句なしに面白かった

"Everything was interesting without complaint"



Of course, I have to exclude "Steins;Gate" because of the interesting of it. Speaking at the concept level, I think that "My Romantic Comedy Is Wrong,As I Expected" was amazing.


Dare to say, "Single is the strongest strategy".


Let me think that I spend nearly half a century to reach this truth, I can say that it is a masterpiece to say that it is a gospel to young people who suffers from "Friend" illusion ".


Aside from that.



I do not think any appeal will come out from anywhere that what is definitely the champion of this season now.

―― かぐや様は告らせたい

"Kaguya-sama: Love is War"



I thought "I wonder how many years ago animation that made me a big burst from the first episode"


This is also an amazing work for the concept.


"Romance is a battle", "Whoever confessed earlier loses". It is a love comedy animation which make me remember old sense of value (just fantasy). To be honest "It is regrettable".


"I wanted this concept first," (seriously).

私の出してきたコンセプトと言えば、「英語に愛されないエンジニア」とか「ご主人様とメイドからなる制御ネットワーク」とか ―― 1mmも甘酸っぱくない(そりゃそうだ)。

Speaking of the concept I've come up with, "Engineers not loved by English" or "Control network with master and maid". They are not bittersweet at all(That makes sense).



I am also impressed with this title.


I know that "Miss Kagiya wanna make him confess" is absolutely not.


Not "She wants to be confessed", but "She makes him confess"


This is a "causative form".


Love comedy works, based on "causative form" is not rare, but this title has novelty.



I came to be interested in English translation of this title and I looked around in variously.

"Miss Kagiya wanna make him confess" は、さすがにベタベタなので、「ない」というのは分かるのですが、

"Miss Kagiya wanna make him confess" might be too direct, so I think that it is impossible .


"Kaguya-sama: Love is War","Kaguya Love War" って、『何だ! そのつまらん英訳は!』と、ツッコミたくなりました。

About "Kaguya-sama: Love is War","Kaguya Love War", I wanted to say "How boring the English translations are!"

"使役"の意味が入っていないだろう、"使役"が ―― と。

"Why do they try to include "causative form"?"


However, I am also thinking. "it would be useless to translate literall".



I am watching English subtitles on YouTube, while admiring that "Oh, that way is!".


My study of English is almost like this.

2019-02-04 そもそも、自殺というのは、相当な高等技術が必要なのです。 [長年日記]


The other day, due to the "one-under" of the railway, I was late to the company.

I know enough that "one-under" happens under their uncontrollable mind, and I also know that countermeasures are difficult (making home-gate etc).

とは言え、可能であれば、自殺はできるだけ「私を巻き込まない方向」でお願いしたいと ―― 無駄とは知りつつ ―― 思っています。

However, I want to ask an applicant for suicide not to include me, even if it is in vain.


「自殺キット」の販売 ―― という思考実験をしてみました。

I tried the thought experiment that selling "suicide kit".


The set of rope, folding tug (for waste receptacle), and the manual will be about 7000 yen. I think it might be reasonable, however,

―― という発想をする人は、世界中に沢山いるようです(少し調べれば直ぐに出てきます)。

there seems to be many people who have such ideas around the world (you could find many if you want).


In many cases, they are being arrested (although there seems to be various laws, used by the crimes).



To begin with, there are many high-level knowledge to suicide.


No easy suicide will be realized without basic knowledge of dynamics, math, chemistry and physiology


I think that some people should try tough "one-under" because of lack of those knowledge.

しかし、もし、そうであったとしたら ―― 自分の勉強不足を、私に押しつけることは、理不尽です。

Even if so, I think that it is unreasonable to push their idleness to me.

So I dare to declare that we need to know how to use trigonometric function.

2019-02-05 ―― 世の中の多くの人が共有できる観念を、私だけが理解できていない [長年日記]


Last week, the news of disbandment of popular singer group was broadcasting.


The news has spred out from dometic medias to international ones. In addition, the Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan reffered to this topic.


However, for me, I am in trouble that I could not understand this atmosphere at all.


You might think that this is just a trivia, but I think that this is an evidence that

―― 世の中の多くの人が共有できる観念を、私だけが理解できていない

I cannot understand a topic that many people can understand each other.




I could think that the news had some degree of positive significance, for example, "the plain the group member boared, crash into flames" or "one of the member was arrested".


Otherwise, I could be suprised to hear that "the group was unbanded at that day immidately"


However, the disbandment will be in one year time, and there seemes to be no impact of domestic policy, diplomacy, economy (and culture, too).



I am afraid that this problem is absolutely different from my policy

"we should understand what we cannot understand each other"



Let me say, however it might be difficult for me to explain it,


"I don't understand whether we should understand each other"



(To be continued)

2019-02-06 「1mmの感慨もない」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


I know that there are many devotees of this singer group.


I think that it is natural that the issue majority is interested come to a momentous news.


The attitude of both medias and the Chief Cabinet Secretary seem to be not at all unusual

なのに、私の中に感じる、この強烈な違和感は何だろうか? ―― と考え続けてきました。

However, I have thought that "What is this big uncomfortable feeling in my mind ?"



At the present, I think the following, however that is a just my assumption.


There is no ask a question of


"What can you do against this news?


and there is also no reaction against it.


Physical abuse of children, unfair of government statistics, fraud case, traffic accident and fire accident. how much the ratio of our life is, they are also our problems too.


To hear the new, we can get angry, criticize the government and myself, and pay attentions. And we can get the problem as ourselves and come to think to avoid or resolve the problem.


However, according to "the news of disbandment of popular singer group", I could not feel more than the news content.

この一点において、私は違和感を感じた ―― そういう仮説を立てています。

"This is the reason of uncomfortable feeling in my mind". This is my my assumption.



Now I notice that

―― かなり多くの人は、この人気グループの解散を、「悲しい」と感じるいるのではないか?

"Do many people feel "sad" for the disbandment of popular singer group ?"



That means that this news is an "obituary".


as the same obituary of actors who had been loved by the public, or politician, scientist of great attainments.


That is not "obituary" based on "love" or "familiarity", but, for example,


"I wanted to watch his/her acting" or "I wanted to keep working for our good life",

その人の「パフォーマンスの消滅」を残念に思う―― その手の「訃報」

"obituary" based on "regret" of "disappearance of their performances or abilities"


Thinking the above, I could understand the reason of my unpleasant feeling.



On the contrary, according to "the news of disbandment of popular singer group"


"I don't feel anything"


I could reconfirm that in my mind.

2019-02-07 『少くとも、今、晒されている彼/彼女ほどには、今の私は悲惨な状況にはない』 [長年日記]


When I have difficulties or dislikes,

―― SNSで過激な動画をアップして炎上している

I am suppose to watch uploaded extreme videos, and read SNS message on fire


(It is quite rate that I write something on SNS)

日本中から非難を浴び、名前、住所、その他について特定され、間違いなく法的処分(刑事罰もありえる)を受けるであろう彼/彼女のことを思うと ――

When I think of him / her, who are receiving many condemnations and hard criticisms from everywhere in Japan, was identified for name, address, etc., and will definitely get legal dispositions (criminal penalties are possible),


"I am not in a miserable situation now, at least, compared with them"


I think, they can make my heart bright.



I think that it is "bad taste and vulgar" behaviors. by myself, however,


I am really a "bad taste and vulgar" guy, so it cannot be helped.

2019-02-08 ―― "Apple PC"による大学のITリテラシー教育は、保護者としては看過できない。 [長年日記]

―― iPhoneを1年間に2回も買い替えている

"I am replacing the iPhone twice a year"


If you hear it, you may say "Ebata is a bourgeois (dead language)" isn't he?"


But right now, I am in such a position.


Following my compulsory exchange instruction from the company, the upgrade (and trouble) works consume huge amount of my time.



In the first place, I do not like smartphones, especially iPhone.

AppleのPCは、SE30(1989年)を最後に、IBM互換機に乗り換えて、その後、Apple社のデバイスとは、できるだけ関わらないようにしてきたつもりなのですが、家族と会社が、iPod, iPad, iPhoneの作業を強いてきます。

After I used an Apple's PC (SE30 1989) I switched to the IBM compatible machine. After that, I tried to distance myself from Apple's devices as much as possible, however my families and companies have been forced to work on iPod, iPad, iPhone.

―― 悪意を感じる

"I can fell a malice"




Apple's PCs are popular with people in the fields of academics, art, especially music.


Since the beginning of Apple's PC, softwares in those fields has been developed and is still being sold with continuing upgrading.

最初にApple PCに接したユーザ(初期ユーザ)が、AppleのPCから離れることができないのは、自然な成り行きだと思います。

I think that it is a natural that users (initial users) who first contacted the Apple PC can not leave Apple's PC.



However, I am quite surprised to hear that many "Apple PCs" are installed at the university where my daughter is attending.

初期ユーザとして、AppleのPCを使っていた当時の研究員が、現在、教授になり、大学に"Apple PC"の大量導入を推し進めているのか、と推察しています。

As an initial user, I guess that the researcher at that time, who was using an Apple PC, now becomes a professor and is promoting the mass installation of "Apple PC" at the university.

しかし、Apple PCの優劣はどうあれ、現時点では、Windows7/10とofficeが使えなければ、日本の(多分世界も)会社で業務はできません。

However, regardless of the superiority or inferiority of Apple PCs, at this time, unless they can use Windows 7/10 and office, they can not do business in Japan (probably the world) company.

「大学は企業の予備校ではない」という正論を認めたとしても、入社後の職場の業務へのソフトランディングを考えれば ――

Even if I accept just an argument that "university is not a company preparatory school", from the viewpont of soft landing to their first working experiment,

―― "Apple PC"による大学のITリテラシー教育は、保護者としては看過できない。

"The IT literacy education of the university by "Apple PC" can not be overlooked as a parent"



If I can ignore "Windows 7/10 and office"

I will say,


"I would like to teach command line interfaces from the shell prompt while using the Linux office suite to college student"

ですが ―― こんなことをしたら『去ね!』と怒号を受けても仕方ないと思います。

But I know that it can not be helped if I receive an angry with saying "Go Home!"


(To be continued)

2019-02-09 その損失時間、ざっくり5時間。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


I return the story.


From the viewpoint of operational cost and security, I think that it is inevitable "instruction for forced exchange of smartphone or PC OS" from the company.


However, to throw away familiar devices and recreate new devices from schedule setting, it is a very unwilling work from both psychological burden and time burden.


For example, even if I have to move to a new iPhone,


"Here, use this one from today"


And I will not complain if a new model whose previous setting was inherited completely is handed over in a brief manner.



However, in many case, it will simply take over the phone number.


E-mail address and SNS account will not be carried over.


Many people have forgotten their account and password for configuration, and it takes a huge amount of time to redo this setting from the beginning, and to contact a help center, etc.

また、その間の通信が断絶することで、人間関係にヒビが入る可能性も否定できません ―― 特に学生世代では、それが顕著なようです。

Moreover, the possibility of cracking into human relations will be happen durring downtime of communcations. Especially in a student, it seems to be prominent.


To the corporation (company), employees are also trying to hand over the phone numbers and cooperate with the company system.


Actually I worked while reading the two manuals consisting of 30 pages, failing to cooperate with that procedure, and I had to call people in the information management department directly.


That loss time, was roughly 5 hours.


(To be continued)

2019-02-10 ■ゼロコスト移行技術 → 「ほら、今日からこれを使え」の実現技術 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

中堅エンジニアの時間を5時間奪う、というコストがどれくらいの損失かというと ――

How much the cost that senior engineer's five hours working is that


it is said that about ten thousands yen including maintenance(office floor, PC, air conditioner and rewards, e.t.c) cost is needed. So in this case, the amount of lost of the company will be about fifty thousands yen.


If it is one hundred workers, the cost will be five millions yen.


If it is ten thousand workers, the cost will be five hundreds million yen.


In fact, I think that several times of the cost will be needed.


Of course, these "five millions yen", "five hundreds million yen" might be a necessary cost for the company, however, it can do no better than "zero cost" absolutely.



The following is a serious proposal. I believe that new IT technologies are needed, for example,

■ゼロコスト移行技術 → 「ほら、今日からこれを使え」の実現技術

- "Zero cost replacement technology" that realizes "Here you are! This is new one from today"

■エターナル(永久)端末技術 → 生涯、同じ携帯を使い続ける技術

- "Eternal terminal device technology" that realizes to keep using a same device in our life.



(that seems to be applied "Software wireless" technology)


I hope that the government will be study about the new technologies, when they review the policy of "working style reform" seriously.

2019-02-11 劇場版「幼女戦記」を見てきました。 [長年日記]


I went to watch the movie "Sage Of Tanya The Evil".


In the first half, I felt "it is fun, however...", but In the latter half, the power of the battle scene was a masterpiece.


Saying "I took it enough in my mind, and looking at the end rolls for a while, the "LOL scene" came out at the last end.


The man next to me was laughing with his body shaking without sounding (My chair was also swinging ).


People who went away with Endrol, seemed to miss the best attractions(It served them).



Apart from that,


As I mentioned before, "Sage Of Tanya The Evil" is a story about a virtual world, where they can use magic as a weapon, in Europe under the First World War.


However, the contents are based on the actual history. Not just showing battle scenes, but also strategy, tactics, weapons development, logistics, politics (diplomacy), and the decision making process of the headquarters are drawn carefully. it is a very enjoyable work as a political fiction.


(To be continued)

2019-02-12 ―― 私と同じニオイのする奴が、たくさんいるなぁ [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


In the released trailer, battle scenes with the imitated Soviet Union controlled by Stalin were opened, and at the time, I decided to watch the movie.


And, I felt confident that

"no doubt that the "battle of Stalingrad" will be deployed"



I expected that fierce brain fights between the protagonist of the battlefield and the dictator Stalin will be developed, and the first complete defeat of the heroin will be shown (base on the real history).


After all, I am a geek of modern war history, for example, I have watched the full length of NHK Special "20th century of video" repeatedly over 10 times, and I bought a DVD of the movie "International Military Tribunal for the Far East" and "Pacific War" when I was a college student,



As a result, my expectations were all out.


And, I was impressed with thinking "Well, the United States is joined in this way"



After the movie was over, I looked through the inside of the movie theater, I thought

―― 私と同じニオイのする奴が、たくさんいるなぁ

"there are a lot of people whose smell is same like me"



There were quite a few men with suits and neckties, and they seemed to attend the "Fiscal Year Budget Meeting" moving to another room.


そういえば、映画上映の前の予告編が、アニメ映画ばかりで ―― 退屈でした。

By the way, the trailers before the movie screening were only animation films, and it was boring for me.


However, in view of the audiences of this movie, I felt that these trailers were "out of scope".

予告をするなら、「ヒトラー最期の12日間」「スターリングラード」「ベルリン大攻防戦」「ニュルンベルグ裁判」という方向だと思うんですが ――

I think that the direction of "Downfall", "Enemy at the Gates" "THE BATTLE FOR BERLIN" or "JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG" is right.


Not right?

2019-02-13 こうして、子どもたちは「ブラック企業予備役」の全単位を履修し、組織に隷属する存在として完成する訳です。 [長年日記]


In the government-led "work style reform", many people think that it is strange that they are trying hard to "stop overtime" and "take a paid holiday"


I think that it is rough to say just our "national character",


however, how about "national brain-washing" is.



I think that the contents of brain-washing are "POP musics" or "Anime songs".


The basic elements that make up these songs are three,


"Do your best" "Fight" "Love wins finally"





"Painful" "Sad" "Not only you,"




These are common phrases, whenever a company (not only "black companies") inspires employees.


In other words, from the time we were children, we


"have heard black compamy's policies by iPhone"




"have kept shouting at the motto of a black company with a karaoke box"



In this way, children are required to take all units of "black company reserve", and will complete as a slave subordinate to organizations.


だから、国家/国粋主義の方々は、愛国教育だの道徳教育だの、やかましく騒ぎたてなくていいのです ―― うっとうしい。

So, people of nationalist do not have to make a loud noise about patriotic education moral education. You are noisy.


All you need is that iPhone and karaoke are doing.


It's better than you are doing.



I do not know foreign POP music or Anison, so I do not know if this can be regarded as "brainwashing" inherent in our country.

しかし、ともあれ、実験的に ―― そうですねえ、5年くらい、これらのPOPソングやアニソンを放送禁止としてみては、どうかと提案します(検閲です)。

However, anyway, experimentally, I will propose how to prohibit broadcasting of these POP songs and animations (censored) about five years.


"Do your best" "Fight" "Love wins finally" are going to be


"in moderation" "friendship" "Love (rare) win love"


"Painful" "Sad" "Not only you," are going to be


"Run away" "Abandon" "Revenge"


I think that we have to start it from them.

2019-02-14 ―― 暴力は国家の専権事項であるからな [長年日記]


The day before yesterday, I wrote about the movie "Sage of Tanya The Evil".


Recently, the animation characters have come to pay attentions to watching a movie(prohibition of smartphone and whisper, e.g.) before the movie.


In the attention, "Call an officer if you are in trouble with a stranger. Prohibit to appeal to force" and Tanya, as the heroin, said

―― 暴力は国家の専権事項であるからな

"Violence is an exclusive matter of the state"


(I forgot the exact phrase)


Many people don't seem to know a fight with violence is an illegal act of "battle prohibited" for any reason, date, place, object, and whatever reason (with some exceptions such as legitimate defense ).


In that sense, many creations, including juvenile jumps such as "Shounen Jump" show enormous depictions of illegal act.


So even in juvenile magazines, where fighting scenes come in, for example, outside the frame,





"This is fiction.

Quarrels are illegal acts under the Penal Code (battle crimes) and may be imprisonment with a term of not more than 5 years.

If you kill a person, it becomes murder crime / injury crime.

Also it will be subject to damages based on tort law on Civil Code 709"

という、一行(長いけど)を、小さい文字でも構わないので、加えることで、我が国の遵法精神が高まるのではないかと期待できます ―― シラけるでしょうが。

I expect that Japan's law-abiding spirit will increase by this one line (though it is long), small letters are O.K. (Even it ruins atmosphere).


Well, I think that it is handling similar to cigarette package display (health damage), so it is not so bad.


In the late 1980s, POP music which title is "quit fights" became popular. I think that the song was an enlightenment activity to prevent illegal acts.



In any case, we individuals are forced to transfer the right to violence to the state (compulsively).


Therefore, if we exercise violence for private reasons, we will be subject to arrest without question. Because we are just an individual without legal capacity.


And the SDF and the police, which are said to have the right ability, the content of the violence is decided precisely according to the situation.


Exercise of unrestricted violence is not permitted (as publicity).



Well, even so, I was deeply moved with thinking

"At the beginning of an animated movie the story of 'violence device' comes out.


2019-02-15 ―― パソコンが苦手 [長年日記]


Last night, I went into a barber of super baths for the first time.


It is very helpful for me that it is open until 22:20 at night.


I keep myself away from sleeping in a taxi or barber shop. Those who took charge today were women of a large body in their 70s with.

―― パソコンが苦手

"I am not good at personal computers"


In one word, as my weekend writer, I was interested in her, and I was interviewing her implicitly.



Ebata: "Is there anything you are in trouble without PC?"


Woman: "There is absolutely No, do you have anything in trouble?"


Ebata: "It might be convenient, for example, purchase of train tickets, shopping, getting documents to be issued without in the row of government offices.


Woman: "Well, that's fine because my husband do all. He is working on electrical work and drawing pictures on my computer".


Ebata: "Then, have you had any trouble without e-mail? "

女性:「メールは、携帯電話でやっています。あのショートメッセージというんですか? スマホではないのですけどね」

Woman: "I'm doing e-mail on my mobile phone, ""short message"? But, I don't use a smartphone.


Ebata: "No, no doubt it is "you are doing" wonderfully.


Woman: "I use it only to get in touch with my daughter. My daughter is doing a nursing care now, so I can not call you anytime. "


(To be continued)

2019-02-16 「そうかぁ、家族とは『ITリテラシー』に必須のチームなのだ」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Ebata:"Do you want to get mails from your friends or coworkers?"


Woman:"I sometimes get a mail from coworkers, however I seldom replay to it, "Read only"


Ebata:"Do you feel the input characters annoy you ?"


Woman:"At the beginning, I needed much time for it, however, my daughter helps me"

江端:「質問ばかりで、すみません。実は、私、町内会の役員をやっているんですけど、一部の人間が、メールを使ってくれなくて、本当に困っていまして ―― で、お話の中に何かヒントがないかな、と」

Ebata:"I am sorry for querying you a lot. To tell you the truth, I am a member of a neighborhood association(NA), and I am really in trouble that some people don't want to use e-mails"


At that time, I wanted to say that "sabotage terrorism of them", however, I was interviewing a person who don't use e-mail, so I could not say it.



Woman:"Lack of their can-do spirit?"


Ebata:"I know that person come to lose the spirits easily, if they face the trouble"


Woman:"How about going to join a PC class ?"


Ebata:"The class gives them one or two house in a week at most, and it might be a rare case if a trouble happened in the class"

女性:「あ、そうそう、メールと言えば、私、自分のメールアドレス? というのが分からなくて、困ったことがあるんですよ。先方が、メールアドレスを教えてくれ、と言ってきたのですが、全く対応できなくて」

Woman:"Well, I remember that I was in trouble that I could not answer the question about.. how to say "mail address"? I could not do any response of a person"




Woman:"My daughter told me that "Mom, Pass your phone to the person in front" and I did what she said"


Ebata: "... (speechless)"


It seems that it is not a story of such dimension any longer, such as information leakage or security.


I thought that if phone numbers or mail address list leaked out it would not be a problem for herself. But, of course I remained silent.



Somehow I understood.


In other words, for PCs and mails,


(1) When you are in trouble, people who support you ("her daughter" in the case of the above woman) will tell you the side


(2) Even if the personal computer can not be used, a person ("her husband") who acts for that will tell the side


(3) There is a clear reason ("Contact with her daughter") for using e-mails and personal computers


If these three conditions are not established, PC and mail can not work.



In order to establish these conditions,


(A) At least, one person in a situation where it is necessary to use a personal computer at work, etc.


(B) At least, one person of other generation who can use e-mail etc. is as usual communication means


(C) At least, one person who can not contact unless you use mail


are needed, and that means, she must be a "member" of a "small group" of "non-profit" of "24 hours sales".


At that time, I noticed,

―― あ、それって"家族"のことか

"It is "family" isn't it?"




"Okay, a family is an essential team for "IT literacy."


I could understand it deeply.

2019-02-17 そして、もう来年からは、手続の必要はありません。 [長年日記]


Every year, when this time comes, I've been on behalf of my father and mother's tax return procedure.


Since my father died last summer, this year, I have to carry out the procedure called "semi-final return" by legal representatives (older sister and myself).


As I was investigating variously, I knew that there was nothing to do about it, because it was out of the subject of declaration.


And from next year, there is no need for procedure.

今日は、色々な解約手続きも合わせて行ったのですが、手続を進める度に、父の姿がどんどん透けていくような感じがして ―― なんだか、とても寂しい気持ちになりました。

Today, I also did various cancellation procedures together. the more I proceed, the more I feel my father disappears rapidly. Somehow, they made me feel very lonely.


Those who are left must delete the person who left sociologically (administratively procedurally, legally)


And we have to hand over to the next generation.

―― と分かってはいるのですが、これはこれで、結構、キツイです。

I understand it, however, it is hard for me.

2019-02-18 「私をスキーに連れてって」と言われています ―― [長年日記]


Thirty years ago, there was a movie whose title was "Take me to skiing"


It was thought that this movie was a trigger of big ski trend of in the bubble boom.


I can agree the opinion, however, the basic reason of big ski trend is "Skiing is enjoyable" basically.


Skiing is fun for from beginners to experts in their way (Any activities are also same, I know)

However, even though I remember it now, I think that boom was amazing.


「私をスキーに連れてって」と言われています ――

I was asked "Please take me to skiing"


from two daughters of college and high school students.


I always say to them


"Whom do you say to that phrase?"


"Tell it to your "boyfriend""




Enviably, my daughters seem to have a boyfriend for each.


They seem to have realized so-called "sociable", that I could not have experienced when I was a teenager,


Of course, there may be various troubles as it is, but it will be called "sociable" including that.


(To be continued)

2019-02-19 ―― 娘が、初心者の彼氏を、お姫さまだっこして滑り降りる [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


However, when I heard the story, in the generation of my daughters, I think that


(1) They do not own a car. Moreover, they do not drive a car.


(2) They have not been to skiing



Furthermore, regardless of generation


(3) Tools of skiing (initial cost ) and means of moving are relatively expensive



It is certain that skiing is not a handy leisure.


In view of the situation (2) as above,

―― 経験者が随伴していない初心者だけで、スキーゲレンデに立つ

"Only beginners without experienced persons stand on ski slopes"


is quite dangerous situation.


Above all, "standing on a plate whose friction coefficient is close to zero" is itself unusual.


One of my acquaintances, was also a very unlucky person, who fractured three minutes after wearing the ski board.



Of course, our daughters have ski skills who can slide down without problem for intermediate courses, due to the influence of their father.


Therefore, they can stand on the slopes with the beginner's lover.


However, at the same time,

―― 娘が、初心者の彼氏を、お姫さまだっこして滑り降りる

"My daughter lifts her boyfriend up as a prince does for a princess, and slides down the ski slopes"


You can imagine a "painful scene" like that.



If I were the boyfriend, I would be shameless to put the story in the public.


However, I don't know how much my daughter's boyfriend have a capacity.


Normally speaking, I am afraid that ordinary male students cannot endure the figure.

2019-02-20 試験に合格して安穏な地位にいる人間から、エールを貰って喜ぶ人間がいると、本気で思っている「馬鹿」がいる ―― [長年日記]


Previously, when I was studying for qualification examination the next day in a train, a man told me


"Try tomorrow's XXXX exam, please do your best"



And, as he thought it was, he got off.


At that time, I could not say anything because I was surprised, however,

―― 人生で、あれほどの不愉快を感じた瞬間なかった

"I have never experimented that unpleasant feeling in my life"


Even now, just remembering, the scene makes me feel uncomfortable about wanting to "hit him" and "kill him".



The man seemed to have been able to infer the qualification examination from my reference book etc, so he would be "a person who already acquired the qualification".


The man "who has already got the qualification" sent a cheer to me arrogantly, whom was studying madly for the next day's exam.


First of all, if I got such "Cheer from the top", there was no guarantee to rise the possibility of passing rate, even with a few percent of comma.


What is even worse, he destroyed my concentration in remaining time, and made me mad. He gave me terrible trouble.



The man sent the cheer to me just for "100% self satisfaction".

試験に合格して安穏な地位にいる人間から、エールを貰って喜ぶ人間がいると、本気で思っている「馬鹿」がいる ――

There is an "idiot" who is seriously thinking that I felt happy because I got a cheer from a person human who has been in a quiet position after passing the exam


I feel a vomiting, about self-centered ignorance, no consideration of insensitivity, and arrogance from the top.


(To be continued)

2019-02-21 『少しは自分の受験の時のことを思い出して、自分の脳で考えやがれ、低能どもが』と思っていました。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Please remember it.


When we were students, we should have been nervous all the time until I went to the examination venue.


If possible, we should have wanted to concentrate on exams without being disturbed by noise from the outside.

試験会場の門の前で、大声で応援する馬鹿は論外です ―― こんな馬鹿は死ねばいいのです。

An idiot who cheers loudly in front of the gate in the examination hall is out of the question.Such an idiot should die.



When I was a college student, the radical student residents of the self-governing dormitory tried to shout loudly repeating their doctrine outside the examination venue using speakers.


Of course, I resolutely opposed the meaningless event like that, and did not involve any such activities.


I thought "remember the time of your own examination and try to think it by yourself with your little brain"

Well, in such a way, the result was this.



Even now, on the day of the junior high school examinations, the teachers at the preparatory school are lining in front of the entrance examination school.


Is that an attempt to raise the possibility of passing the exams by a few percent of the comma?


For me, it seems to be "self-satisfaction" or "promotion of preparatory school".

私は良く知りませんが、世の中には、『合格者から声をかけられると、合格率が上がる』とかいうジンクスがあるのかもしれませんが ――

I do not know well, however, in the world, there may be a jinxu saying "If being spoken from a successful candidate, the passing rate goes up".


Even so, I will say "It is annoying".


(To be continued)

2019-02-22 私は、これを『シュレーディンガーの相模大野駅』と呼んでいます。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


However, if the trial is "practically useful",it is no problem.


For example, at the time of the exam of my junior daughter, the prep-school,which was nearby the exam venue, opened for the prep-school students who could warm themselves.


In my case, whenever a test takers, who loses themselves, is in the station ( I can find a test takers easily, by their aura), I will say something and tell them where to go.


As a matter of fact, the train to Odawara direction and Enoshima direction is confusing, and there are many accidents that the destination will be determined after actually riding the train.


I call this "Sagami Ono station of Schrodinger".


These are "practically useful".





To me who is trying hard escape in the fire.


From a safe, relaxing, cozy place


"I hope you do your best"


whoever is saying like that,


whether there is good intentions or not,


all are my enemies.

2019-02-23 「制約のある人生」が、「完全に自由な人生」よりも、人間を幸せにすることがある ―― [長年日記]

Previously, I wrote about anime "Hyouka".


After watching anime, I read all four original volumes.


"Hyouka" speaks eloquently in the youth group image the cruel truth that


"Effort does not exceed genius".



These books will strike a fact that nobody can save that "Genius" with their innocent unawareness will hurt people who are struggle against their commonplace.



However, I know that

―― 「天才」に勝つことができる唯一の例外がある

There is the only exception that can win "genius"


Before writing the story, since I felt like I had already written similar things before, I tried searching with the keyword "madness" with my own HP search engine (I do not remember what I wrote myself anymore)

Only "madness" can win "genius"



Because "fun and mad guy" is


- no need to "compare others"


- no concept of "victory or defeat"





- no "frustration"


- going to "continue" endlessly.


So even "genius" can never win against "fun mad guy".


If I say in a fairly simple example,

―― ゲラゲラ笑いながら、一人で走り続けている奴には、誰も勝てない

"No one can win against the guy who keeps running while alone laughing"



Now let's return to the main subject.



This time, I borrowed the sequel story of "Hyouka" series, "Even if you say "I will give you wings"(*)" at the library and I read it.



I read it all at once with amazing momentum,

面白かった ―― というか「呆けてしまった」

I only say "it is fun". Or rather "I got shocked"



"Do not waste your time to improve your organization for what you want to do. If you have something you want to do, first throw out the organization"


This short story is too turthful and beat up my head, even for a social person like me.


"Given freedom" is far from "reward" of infinite possibilities. On the contrary, "it is a "scary violence" to impose numerous choices on them". This story was the same again.

「制約のある人生」が、「完全に自由な人生」よりも、人間を幸せにすることがある ――

"Constrained life" may make people happier than "completely free life" -


To tell you the truth, it is not "may" but "must", I know.



Actually, today's diary is for my second daughter, who



can answer "the 17th episode", whenever I ask her "Is the masterpiece of "Hyouka"?"



When I recommend this book to the second daughter who is under periodic examination now, I know that she fails to exam absolutely.


Therefore, her father will silently return this book to the library.

テストが終ってから、図書館に予約依頼を出して ―― その後、存分に、呆(ほう)けて下さい。

After your test is over, you can request reservation to the library, and please get sick of it.

2019-02-24 しかし、『あなたたち』が、『私たち』と同じ方向を向く必要はありません。 [長年日記]


My daughter went on a trip with her friend to the capital of the neighboring country (peninsula), and she came back to Japan the other day.


She said that everything was unusual, the foods were delicious, trying to use a little local language, and the local people were kind during the trip.



Recently I have been watching information on my neighbor's country only on Google or TV news.

意図せずとも、そのようなニュース媒体でしか世界を知ることのできない私たちは、―― 心理的な狭窄視野 ―― になってしまいます。

Without intention, we, who can only know the world with such news media - become a psychological narrowing view.


As long as we do not act according to our own intention, we becomes this "narrowing view".


Therefore, the more social and the older we become, the more pronounced this trend will be.


It is because our footwork becomes bad.



That is why I look forward to a young person (especially a student before becoming a society), seriously.


I think that a lot of human beings who can feel the light footwork and foreign air by the skin will be necessary, than the superiority or brains of brains and intellect.


I do not say anything preaching, "You are walking around the world"


I'd propose "to leave here (Japan), even if a little".


And I will not make any further requests.


部屋の中や電車の中で、パソコンやスマホを使ってネットニュースを読んで、それを簡単に受けいれて、それを自分の都合の良いように自分の心の中で改竄(かいざん)する ――

In the room or on the train, just reading the net news using a personal computer or smartphone, accepting them without questions, and tampering with it in your own mind as convenient for you -


For such a thing,


Intelligence declines


- body does not move freely,


- heart can not accept the new paradigm,


- spirit totally lost flexibility


You should leave the above to us.



However, "you" do not have to face the same direction as "we".

なぜなら、いずれは、『あなたたち』も、頭が衰え、体の自由が効かなくなり、新しいコンセプトを受け入れなくなる ――

Because you will also lose intelligence, healthy body and accepting a new concept.


Even if you are young, the time surely comes.


But it is not now.


I would like you to feel something with your eyes, ears and skin, and tell us "it", not using Google or television news, and


"It" does not matter whatever is good, bad, hatred, dear, or "I do not feel anything".


It is a request from the bottom of my heart from me.


"It" of yours, is really necessary for "us".

2019-02-25 // グローバル変数でいいじゃないか [長年日記]


Every year, at this time, I have to code (programming) as if I were driven.


Recently, I have been staring at the display for about 10 hours every day (including weekends).


However, my code is not for a product development ("product program"). They are mostly used as one that verifies the hypothesis of your own system ("verification program").


The verification program, in many cases,


- is not developed by a multi-player team,


- is used by myself,


- in many cases, nobody will reuse the past code



Especially, from the viewpoint of "reuse", not "reuse of past code" but only "past memories of my code" is reliable.


It is a rare case to reuse my code by another red person.


So, now I am making code with "writing priority", "time priority", and "confirmation priority".


"Three days a day over 1000 steps", is normal for me.



So, the backwardness of that "cumbersome code" makes me write many comments in my codes.


It is fun to watch those "excuses comments".

// グローバル変数でいいじゃないか

"Is there a problem with global variables?"

// 「なんでもサブルーチン」はやめよう

"Let's stop "anything subroutine""

// 引数の型探しで苦労するのは、時間の無駄

"Troublesome searching for argument types is wasting time"

// メインルーチンの中で、ループ作ったほうが、デバッグで楽できる

"In the main routine, making a loop makes is easier to debug"

// メモリ潤沢にあるんだから、スタティックに十分大きな領域を確保しておけはいいんじゃない

"Since memory is abundant, it is no problem to secure a sufficiently large area statically"

// 「コードを使いたい」という奴は山ほどいたけど、実際に「コード」の送付要求なんて、一度もなかったし

There were many people saying "I want to use the code", but there was never actually a request to send a "code"



It is fun to watch past of (and the current) my driven work,

2019-02-26 後輩が言うには、それは「飯」と「お祈り」だそうです(「言葉」は当然)。 [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"Black nation Japan" that stands out by foreign employment expansion

Let's turn the world by "Number"(56) : Work style reform(15) "

How to form a black company



In this column, you might see me, that I criticised the Japanese government with the word "foreign workers' exploitation strategy".


However, I do not think that only Japan is special.


The acceptance of foreigners, is the principle of trading with "labor force", and there is no other problem if only it.


What makes it troublesome is those who stick to foreign workers.

私は、それは、「国家主義」とか「民族主義」とか言うものだと思っていたのですが ――

I thought that it was "nationalism" or "nationalism" - but,


As the juniors said, it seems to be "food" and "prayer" ("words" are natural).


There is a thing that can ne eaten / a thing that can not be eaten. That will gives us a pressure psychologically (from "compassion" to "hate").


Regarding prayer, Japan basically has an open mind that "Whoever believes whatever" ... correction,

It is a country that "people continue to remake "God" on a daily basis.

神様をWindows Updateのようにバージョンアップする国に、2000年以上も前の口語記述をドキュメント化したアナログ文章の内容を教条としている国の人が、果たして付いてこれるか ―― これは興味深い試みです。

In countries where God is upgraded like Windows Update, can a person from a country who has the contents of analogue texts documenting colloquial description more than 2000 years ago, keep up with us ? This is an interesting attempt.


I think the reason why it did not become a big problem until now, is most of the foreign workers were "elite layers that do not regard religion absolutely"



Ebata: "According to India-Pakistan problem, i the end it is the question of pigs and cows, liquor and ramadan?"


Junior: "Correct"


Ebata: "What is" prayer "?"


Junior: "It means that you can introduce a new activity of turning in a certain direction, repeating it several times a day, in a space of about 1 tatami maturing during work hours."


Ebata: "I think that is is same as "smokers use smoking rooms""


Junior: "Well," as a prayer, it ranges from "light" to "strict". Even if a person is "strict", they may accept "cancellation" while in Japan."


Ebata: "Well, the "synchronization pressure" of our nation will stand it out. It may well control the problems."


『日本に行けば、宗教的なアパシーにさせられる』、という評判が、海外で立ち上がることで、海外では、この制度が"忌避"されるかもしれません、が ――

With this rumor of "if you go to Japan, you come to be "religious apathy"", this system may be "challenged" abroad, however,


Perhaps it may be "welcomed" on the contrary.


Though I do not say that there is no worry of Japan's first domestic terrorism by fundamentalists,


I also think that some parents will send their sons and daughters who are accustomed to cult religion to Japan in order to unravel their brainwashing.

2019-02-27 私が、毎朝の徒歩通勤で見続けてきた風景も、「それ」とは違うように見えました。 [長年日記]


The theme of this column is "efficient exploitation of foreign worker's labor force".


While I was writing this, I had something I remembered.



I was commuting to the company while I was in the US.


You might say "What about it? . This is quite insane in the United States.

After all, I was a famous person at the company to which I was dispatched, as an Asian who was commuting to the company on foot.

私の米国滞在は高々2年間程度でしたが、それでも、屋外で働いている人の"多く" ―― ではなく、"ほとんどの人"が、ヒスパニック系の人達であったことは、よく覚えています。

My stay in the US was at most about 2 years, but still I remember well that "most people" (not "many") were Hispanic people who were working outdoors.


By the way, they used to cheerfully waving their hands to me who commuted to work everyday without using a car.


As a sorry Japanese-born worker, who could not even buy a private car,

―― 彼らから、同情をされていた

"They had sympathy with me"


It seems to be reliable.





The United States is said to be "a country that is worthy, idealizing as" freedom and equality ".


However, the Americans in the range I knew did not seem to believe it,


The view that I watched every morning walking commuting, said to be different from "It".



In the near future, in Japan "most people" who work outdoors will become foreigners, just like the United States.

これから私がどんな風景を見るのかは分かりませんが、できれば、「違う風景」 ――

I do not know what kind of landscape I will see from now. If possible, I will want to see "different landscapes", for example,

that makes "my heart look hotter and feels kindness".

2019-02-28 「嫌われる(時の)配慮」とか「嫌われる(場合の)対処」 [長年日記]


The book "courage to be disliked by people" seems to be selling regularly.


I guess the reason why this book is sold well is that many people in the world will be very scared of "being disliked by people".


There is a disadvantage to being "disliked by people" indeed.


I am not good at human being who thrusts his mouth, although I do not ask for my research and work. However as I am belonging to the organization, this is unavoidable.


In most cases, I do know that these acts are not malicious and that most of them are good intentions. (If possible, I will be glad if you give me a hand only when "I asked")


On the other hand, however, if such an act is done in "malice" by "being disliked by me", "To be disliked by people" is "scary".


However, I do not answer if I get asked if "disliked by people" is "scary".


In the first place, I have no memory of doing something for the purpose of "being liked by people" .


This means that it is highly likely that I am unconsciously implementing "being disliked by people".


I tried to explain about a person who defiantly declares "I am disliked by people" using a metaphor of "raw garbage".


- It is your freedom that you become "raw garbage"


- However, if you are "raw garbage" and "I" feel uncomfortable with your nasty smells, you can not say your freedom.


- If you have the consciousness that you are "raw garbage", you should put yourself in a garbage bag, and seal from the inside


I wrote that.



Therefore, I always care about the "garbage bag" mentioned above.


However, I feel that it is somewhat different from "courage to be disliked".


If I dare to say,


"Consideration (time) to be disliked" or "Countermeasures to be hated (case)"


are closer.





- Human beings not loved by English, do can not be loved, even if whatever they do.


- Most of the content of the diet book is "jive" or "fake"


- If you dive suicide, you will die while watching the scattered parts of your body


- The nursing-care insurance system can be abolished if the mortality rate of the elderly is intentionally increased by "1%".


I have been doing the logic and calculations for more than six years,


Now, after saying "courage to be disliked", (hereinafter omitted)