Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
"Over the AI(11) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination of AI"
AI comes home ---- End of the era that state and large enterprises monopolize AI technology
ソフトウェアの研究の良いところは、「予算を打ち切られても、自宅で続けられぜ」という点にありますが ――
A good point of software research activities are "I can continue this study, even if you cut the research budget"
I heard that a honorable coworker of mine, has not only oscilloscope, 3D printer, but also high frequency analyzer, a FPGA writer, CAD for printed wiring board(PWB) in his private room of the house.
I expect that he will also has the production facilities for PWB privately.
I assume that his private room is more effective than the company as a research laboratory.
So, I always think that
―― もう、出社しなくてもいいんじゃない?
"He doesn't have to go to the Lab. of company, does he?"
He has been a typical use case of my ideal "Weekend Home Researcher".
Now I get mad with some managers, who cannot have an insight into the ability of superior engineer, like him.
In addition, I am despairing that
"This society stinks many such stupid managers"
―― 山ほどいる
The reason why I don't use "Java" or "Python" but "C/C++" is NOT
- C/C++ is the best language to maximize the computer performance,
- I don't like to study new language any more.
I think I often talked this story again and again.
制御処理系の言語としては、―― あるいは、日本国民全員をオブジェクトとするような馬鹿でかいシミュレーションを行う場合などでは ―― その軽さや速さにおいて、お勧めできます。
For a control system, or dynamic big simulation, to analyze entire people of Japan, C/C++ is good for the light and speed.
However, for a ordinal information system, I don't recommend to use it.
In a simulation programming case, I have to implement the function of CSV files parser in the simulation program.
I always make the parser program by myself.
―― ばっかじゃねーの
"Are you kidding?"
I know well that I am in derision with many scornful laugh
I cannot argue against an opinion, that "nowadays, a programming language without CSV parser, must die".
No, no, to tell you the truth, I thought that the piles of parser program had been opened in the Internet.
I could find it out, however, the program was written, based on "STL".
I think that "STL" is a beautiful C/C++ template library indeed.
It is very useful, however I am afraid that the hidden internal process makes me uneasy.
A long time ago, when I was in the U.S. and worked coding everyday, I faced the internal STL bug, and I had to spend much time to find the problem, like having a brush with death.
やっぱり、ソースコードというのは、100%ヌードでなければ、興奮・・・、もとい、安心ができない ―― というのは、昔気質の職人のようなマインドでしょう。
I come to think that source codes should be 100% nude, Even if not, I cannot be excited... no,no I cannot be feel easy. That means, I am an old-fashioned engineer.
However, I am sorry but, I cannot argue against "these old-fashioned engineer also must die".
Anyway, this time, I gave up.
I admitted that I cannot make the CSV parser by native C language, and I will fall down to the STL dynamic memory management.
Now, I will start to read the CSV parser program of STL, and embed it to my big scalable simulator.
Now I think that I want to know about "AI in SF" as a theme of "AI series serial".
As far as superfamous as "AI in SF", of course, "HAL 9000" of "Travel of the Universe 2001"
私の中では、圧倒的に、故 小松左京先生の
In my mind, overwhelmingly, Komatsu Sakyou-sensei's
It is the "Electronic Brain (Blaine), Navajo" of a Space-ship "Space Arrow" of "Bye-bye Jupiter".
When I read the following phrases again, my heart will tremble.
"Navajo" scarcely panicked, after he started doing the measurement. -
"ナヴァホ"は、休止中の残り全系統に、「衝撃的」といっていいほどの急激なコールをかけ、宇宙船と周辺空間の状態に対して、あらゆるセンサーをつかった、あらゆるレベルと精度の「緊急チェック」を指示した 。
"Navajo" made a sudden call like "shocking" to the rest of the dormant remaining lines, and instructed "emergency check" of all levels and accuracy to the state of the spacecraft and surrounding space, using all sensors,
―― 同時に、生命維持システム系に対しても、「冷凍睡眠(コールド・スリープ)」中の2つの生命体に、危険水準ギリギリの「緊急覚醒コール(アージェント・ウエイト)コール」をかけるように命じた。
At the same time, "Navajo" ordered "emergency awakening call" on the edge of dangerous level for life support systems to two living organisms in "cold sleep",
I think that this novel is absolutely broke my life with a high probability,
This is also clear even in the number of my talks about "Bye-bye Jupiter".
In this "AI series" I named "Nancy" as the name of the electronic secretary.
Even I did not understand this reason well, it was decided absolutely in my mind.
So, I understood the reason finally.
―― 「さよならジュピター」の主人公、本田英二の「秘書(セクレタリ)コンピュータ」の名称が"ナンシィ"だったから
"Nancy was the name "secretary computer" of the main character "Eiji Honda" in "Bye-bye Jupiter".
I thought "brainwashing is amazing".
Well, Go back to the board.
As one theme of "AI series", I would like you to recommend "AI in SF" to me , before I start search for "AI in SF".
It will be troublesome for you, "you shut up and read a book of xxx or look at a movie or anime of xxx", just a single phrase is fine.
As conditions, however,
(1) a story that AI just acts as a human, is not good.
(2) a story that AI or androids become the main characters, is not good. (For example, for games for AI girls and stories for pretty androids)
Desirable direction:(omitted)
Not to be recommended(omitted)
ドラえもん、キテレツ大百科、ベイマックス、ガンダム、攻殻機動隊、とあるシリーズ、シビュラシステム、マギー、SAO、マクロス、ターミネーター、ブレードランナー、STAR WARS、ウォー・ゲーム、2001年宇宙の旅
I am waiting your opinions from the site of "I would like you to recommend "AI in SF""
I wrote a map of the Korean Peninsula by myself for the first time in my column series last but one, and I was quite surprised.
―― <北>って、スッゲー面倒な場所にないか?
上は中国、右上にロシア、真下にアメリカの軍事同盟国(韓国 + 日本)。
China on the top, Russia on the upper right, American military allies (South Korea + Japan) beneath.
"What is on earth this annoying place with feeling to suffocate ?"
I quickly bought and read a book called "Geography in manga".
I realized "I got to study so much." after a long absence
Three basic principles of geopolitics.
(1) The ultimate goal of the state is "survival"
(2) Neighboring countries surely confront each other
(3) The enemies' enemies are ally
It is far easier to understand than Asimov's robot 3 principle. In this book, many use-case in the world are introduced, and I understood the behavioral principles of each country.
In particular, I feel like I understood well the behavioral principle of the peninsular state (north and south) near Japan.
People who are irritated with neighborhood behavior, may make their feelings easier, to know the fact that "there are no neighbor countries that are not fighting in the world".
ですから、一歩引いて、「地政学」から世界を見ることは ―― 勉学とか知識の取得とか、そういうもの一切関係なく ―― 、「精神衛生上」、良いかもしれません。
So, with a step back, it might be good for our "Mental hygiene" To see the world from "Geopolitics" ---- No matter regardless of study or knowledge acquisition, etc.
For me,
I love the web site of "contemporary history with stand-up reading"
If the contents are published as a book, I will give an order at the head.
I fell strange, why MEXT doesn't make "geopolitics" an essential subject of compulsory education.
I think that making the very beginning of history textbooks an item of "modern history" and its content may be "Geopolitical".
So, I want to think a following distraction from here,
「地政学」を理解できてしまうと、国民は理性的に国際情勢を分析できるようになってしまって ―― 国民の負の感情や激情を利用した政治の運用がやりにくくなってしまう ―― のではないかな、と。
If we citizens, can understand "Geopolitics", we can reasonably analyze the international situation, and for the politicians, it might be difficult to operate the politics using the negative emotions and passion of our citizens.
特に、隣国との対立関係や、遠国との同盟関係を争点にしないと、選挙も闘いにくくなり、国家の最高規範である法律の改正なども、とても難しくなる ――
Especially if they do not settle the confrontation relationship with neighboring countries and the alliance with the far country, their elections are also hard to fight, and the revision of the law, which is the highest norm of the nation, becomes very difficult.
"It is good to keep the people stupid" is a usual means of the ancestor all ages and countries.it may be an ordinary story normally, although it may not be a disturbance.
Indeed, we were also considering these before more than 20 years.
In order to stop the economic development of the neighboring country in the continent, we had reached the conclusion,
"To interfere with the educational system of the neighbor country, and disturb to teach differential or integration"
By the way, there were such stupid stuff in Japan too.
The pathetic stupid writer couple, said that "Quadratic equations don't work at all in our society, we should expel such study", and they made a tremendous contribution to the country's declining national strength,
A few days ago, the Ebata's Home Security System detected "suspicious individual" and the system sent me a alert message.
After that, I got involved in trouble (I made the trouble).
- I sent the alert message to my wife by phone, and broadcasted it to all of my family by LINE. In addition, I confirmed the present location information of my family.
- I made the report of this trouble for policy and neighborhood association in a few minutes.
I was waiting for the condition report from my wife.
At that time, I got call from her, and she said to me
"Wait a minutes. the "suspicious individual" might have been a meter reader of gas company.
―― あ。
I had forgotten the possibility at all.
Now I think again, "I was upset at that time"
When my wife gave me a message "I can find the receipt in the post-box", I could feel greatly relieved.
After that, I issued declaration of safety by LINE, and this trouble finished.
later, she told me that
I felt scary, thinking "if the person is in my house".
Again, I was filled with self-loathing for my thoughtless thing.
Previously I told you that I made me debut as an officer of the neighborhood association.
私の場合、町内会のどんなイベントであれ ―― それが愉快であれ、不快であれ ―― 全て日記やコラムのネタにしてやる、と思っています。
In my case, no matter how the event of the association might be awful, I will open the issue as a "neta"( that means, an evidence, a story and an impression of mine in Japanese)
―― ネタの為なら死ねる
I can die for a neta
I cannot say that but I think that this phrase is a useful and powerful weapon as "an excuse toward me"
I am in charge of "press", and main mission is make a informational magazine of my town,
After living in this town, I have never read the town magazine over ten years.
―― 町内会報って、読んでいる人って、本当にいるのかな?
"Who on earth read this town magazine ?"
I often thought it.
A front page, full of characters, tiresome articles, overused term with pre-established harmony, and reports of repeated festivities and the impression......
I am an adult over the age of forty. I will save my breath.
I don't an donkey ambition of "Reform of page space", I am going to do just what I should do.
However, the town magazine might include critical information for senior people, who might have had no change to get an IT literacy.
I will start the research act ivies about the possibility.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
What I really can't understand, is
―― なんで、日本屈指の総合電機メーカの研究部門が、「社内報」を「印刷物」として配布しているのか
"Why the research department of one of the big general electric maker in Japan distributes printed materials as company magazine"
However I am an adult, so I never say
"It is enough to open them on the Web site in the intra network. Even if someone needs printed one, they can print them by a printer"
All companies has their own rules, ways and prescriptions, and we should never refer to the taboos.
Referring to the taboos, annoying is coming, and the annoying give us terrible pains.
In addition, in the needless labor like the above, I am sometimes surprised that some logical reasons and effects are in the labor.( For example safety and health activities).
Let me go to the board.
I said that I don't have any intention to reform the town magazine, but I want to serve someone well as a press officer.
So I will start a new plan to "work as a collaborator for PC and smart-phone in the town"
I am good at the field, and I may be able to enjoy the work.
However, I mentally prepared for no reaction and effect of these activities.
Above all, I knew that my mother and father could not send even one e-mail to me from the PC I had installed perfectly.
When people hear the word "academic society", they might think "that is a body, including a lot of intelligent research engineer", and some strict examination of entrance qualification should be needed.
However, to tell the truth, it is not known that
―― 会費さえ払えば、誰でも入会できる
"You can join the society, even if you pay membership expense"
If you want to call you "the member of XX academic society", what you need is to pay money.
Now, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) is a good-aimed.
Even if you add the title of "a member of JSAI", it is not a fraud absolutely.
However, I don't recommend it, if you meet a IT research engineer, like me, you will get much converging fire of the question.
On the other hand, any society is suffering from the shortage of members, you are absolutely welcome.
In my case, I don't understand the merit, being the member.
If you can join the society, you can get the collected papers regularly, however the contents are basically difficult, unrealizable and dull.
Of course, I know the effort of the society. For example, making the cover of a pretty girls in beautiful background(and the picture had criticized by non-member of the society)
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
I think the the collected papers become more sensational.
Not only the cover, they include manga and columns, like literary coterie magazine,
The editorial department of the society try to make the collected papers like, "Shounen Jump" and "Hana to Yume" that girls and boys who are waiting for.
Now when we think the population who join the comic market and NikoNiko Super meeting, it is clear that some AI research engineers enjoy making little magazines.
That might be good chances to ask the person to draw a illustration and write SF stories or columns.
However, the person who works as both a company researcher and a subculture creator is likely to not be coming out, so we cannot find them out.
In my case, I also rarely find them out by my private special connection in my company.
Now, both the ruling party and the opposition party keep the booth in NekoNeko Super meeting.
the out-of-date activities of academic math and science should be blamed
"they are just idle"
Now, I hear a famous professional baseball team continues defeats in a row.
I am not interested in baseball at all (except for amateur baseball), of course, I don't care the condition of the professional team.
―― そのチームの監督には、酷く同情します。
I pity the baseball manager deeply.
I think that any task of baseball managers is hard and harsh with strain of grief.
Of course, I know that any kind of work is hard and harsh, however, the strain of grief must keep almost everyday for several, is
"No kidding"
If the team continues defeats in a row, "fans" and "critic", who are not familiar with the details or condition of team, blame the manager,
if the team continues win in a row, they give the praises of not only the manager but also his/her character.
この非難と賞賛が、週単位でコロコロと代わり ―― 彼らは、その無節操さに、何の恥じらいもない上、
These defeats or praise chop and change week by week, and they don't feel shame at the undisciplines.
According to the nature of manager's jobs, the manager cannot ignore all their opinions.
I cannot do anything except for feeling pity, indeed.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
So I want to make a suggestion. If the "fans" and "critic" want to blame the manager so much, I think that they work for the manager.
This is not a defiant attitude but a certain reason.
In a book whose title is "THE WISDOM OF CROWDS", the consequences of "average value" of decisions made by many persons is somewhat similar to "true value".
At the beginning of this book, the story is introduced that the average value of the bull's body weight forecast by the crowd at the grand prize, is almost similar to "true value".
So, the system I propose is simple.
"Fans" and "critics" who are watching the game, decided in real time by net voting, and the management order is decided by the majority vote.
Vote everything, for example stolen, casual hit, four-ball, etc.
With this process, the ruling of the baseball team should be realized, and no one can complain.
Now, if the baseball team continues to win, it is a great result from a sociological point of view,
I think that it will clarify that "shut up, you armature!" if the team continues defeats.
As an IT engineer, I would like to watch this experiment, by all means.
If any television station will be planning as a variety show, I will cooperate free of charge.
The other day, I was said from the rude junior fellow.
"Ebata-san, why you cannot understand how many people are loving you"
と、言われました ―― が、
However, I want to say distinctly
―― 分からない
"I cannot understand"
As far back as my memory goes, the above phrase has appeared high-frequency in my life.
For example the scenes of the lab in my college, drinking party of my office, and thank-you party for the teachers who had retired from the Lab.
The common point is that all subjects of this dialogue are "juniors".
Ebata(E):"I don't understand what you say. How do you come to think the phrase "I am loved" ?
Rude junior(B):"We are embodying "I love you, Ebata-san" at the bottom of our heart.
E:"For me, I can only imagine" I'm playing with Mr.Ebata ". I even think that they are bad "bullies"
B: "As usual the science brain you have. Can not you recognize "things that do not appear as words?"
E: "Somewhere, I think I can do it. reading the air of the place, I can say mindless compliments, and I think that I have been able to activate a light gag on the spot. "
B: "If that's the case, there's a problem with Mr. Ebata's "receptor", isn't it?"
E: "What?"
B: "Ebata-san, you are missing the ability to feel love from others. Perhaps, by nature, that ability itself does not exist ... "
E: "If it is true, I will end my life without feeling love from anyone"
B: "That's right."
E: "It's unreasonable, I think that I activate "love" properly by myself and confront others."
B: "That's right."
E: "I am "a perpetual love machine to just keep turning around without any energy ?"
B: "That's right."
E: Try to make another phrase, instead of "That's right."
B:"The perpetual love machine without energy" is the reason why Ebata-san keeps being loved"
E:"Shut up"
Now I make simple "virtual" Metropolis of Tokyo in my computer, and "virtual" trains are running on several "virtual" lines.
At the "virtual" Metropolis of Tokyo, I prepare hundreds of thousand of "virtual" citizens and try to make a easy "virtual" transshipment service for their "virtual" smart-phone.
This time, I have implemented "Dijkstra method", that can resolve a shortest path problem with shortest-processing-time.
To tell you the truth, I have just embeded an open source in the Internet to my simulation program.
Just inputting the station numbers of both a departure and an arrival, the program output the a shortest path of a "virtual" citizen immediately. However I felt that
―― 美しい
"It is beautiful"
I was fascinated with watching the process.
A few weeks ago, when I watch a program, so called "variety show" on the TV,
I was shocked to know that most of the performer didn't know the words of "Pythagorean theorem". Even some of them know the words, they cannot understand the contents.
We all Japanese, should be taught "Pythagorean theorem" at junior high school. I am afraid that "disgust (or hate) against Math." shows in true colors.
Of course, I know that each of us has our own background.
Without cosine / sine theorem, vector inner product calculation, equation of motion, and calculation of impulse, I can not create "virtual Tokyo" in my computer.
Numbers and mathematics are an indispensable tool for me to make a decent living.
If you are involved in making things, I think that we are in the same situation.
"Pythagorean theorem" is the basic form of the sine / cosine theorem, and "How can we understand the world without understanding this theorem? "
I who come to think it, is probably,
―― 多分、マイノリティなのだろう
in the minority
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
「ピタゴラスの定理」がなくても、世界は問題なく回っていく ―― という事実は、私にとっては、残念なことですが、事実だと思います。
"Unless the Pythagorean theorem exists, the world is moving". I am afraid, but this is true.
(Or, there might be a logic that it is no problem to exist some few experts )
同じように、古文がなくても、世界史がなくても、英語がなくても、国語がなくても、そして、どこぞのアホな作家夫婦の著作物の全てが焚書されても ―― 世界は回っていくのです。
In much the same way, the world that no ancient writing, no world history, no English, and no Japanese and no books that are written by a simple-minded author couple, is also moving.
Extremely speaking, "learning" or "studying" is not indispensability for the world.
However I think the world without "learning" or "studying" is not good for "ecology".
It looks "it is tremendous inefficient" for me.
Because I think that the supreme goal of "learning" or "studying" is conversation (or communication).
Numbers, math. and science are for conversations with objects,
Ancient writing and history are for conversations with past era and people,
English is for conversations with people who use different language each other,
Japanese is for conversations with people who want to convey the detailed intentions.
The method how to understand the world without conversations is unique.
It is "violence".
The society made by just "violence" is, obviously, wasting tremendous resource(including human life), and far from unassured daily life.
There might be almost same between blindness of "Pythagorean theorem" and "auxiliary verb conjugation of ancient writing".
Maybe, both are important, and at the same time we don't care them at all.
However if we build against "learning" or "studying", it means that we will reject a conversation with the world.
仮に、それは「非効率」で、そして「安心できない人生」をもたらす ―― という、江端仮説が真であるとすれば
"It is insufficient and gives us unassured daily life", if this Ebata's assumption is true,
Knowing many things in many field, and keeping them in our mind, are
―― 「ラクな人生」を生きる為に、かなりてっとり早い方法
good methods to put daily life at our ease
might be true,
Well, it might not be true, however.
I love not only a TV drama "Lonely gourmet" but also "Late night cafeteria".(... "cafeteria?" .. I felt bad, so I am going to use "Late night diner")
This diner is small, including several seats in the counter. It opens at 12 o'clock in the evening and closes at around 7 o'clock in the morning.
The menus are only pork soup set meal, beer, liquor, shochu.
After that, the diner manager cooks on the spot, if he can meet the customer's request. In addition, the customers can also bring in foodstuff and ask him for cooking.
―― という、それほど、奇抜な設定ではありません。
That is not so strange setting.
が、この番組は、その食堂に登場する、市井の人間を丁寧に描き ―― テレビ番組嫌いな私としては珍しく ―― 気にいっています。
This program carefully depicts ordinal persons in the drama, I like this drama, however, even I dislike Japanese drama programs.
Above all, it seems that its tasty dishes look delicious.
In fact, this drama was remaked in Korea, and has been decided to remake in China.
I am happy as one of the viewers, that the program that I like, has been evaluated abroad, being remodeled,
Well, I am thinking "clunker", as usual.
I wonder if the staff of the Special Measures Group for Eradication of Overworking Labor (commonly known as "Kataku") will step into the "late night diner" in the future.
Because such "late night diner" is "attracting undue late-night work overtime", and the Joint conspiracy has been established between the master and the customers,
In this program, such crime impresses the public on everyday life
―― という、訳の分からない理由で、番組が放映停止になるようなことはないだろうか
"I wonder if the program will stop broadcasting for a stupid reason"
This is the "clunker".
(Well, this case is not a heavy overwork, so there might be no problem in the Labor Law)
I want to record on this day, exactly today.
『ああ、あの時、ふざけて書いていたことが、まさか ――』
"Oh, at that time, I just wrote it with just joking though, No way..."
While praying that it will not be realized.
または、なった時の為に 。
Or for when it comes.
There seems to be many people who condemn with intense words for making popular animation and manga real live.
―― 当然、若い人に多い。
Of course, there are a lot in young people.
I think that many people are likely to misunderstand about this issue, I want to leave my memorandum here.
(1)Only the creator who make their contents, can control the contents.
Animations and novels are objects of right of intangible property, and they are privately owned properties.
Any privately owned property can be controlled by the owner(creator, right holder or producer) only. We, who just can consume the contents, have no right to complain the owner's intentions.
Of course, this right is releasable to others by money or other conditions. Because it is privately owned property. After releasing it, nobody, even if it is a creator, cannot say anything about the contents.
Anyway, we, who are not a creator, a right holder and producer, are just a poor consumers, so we cannot do anything about their control legally.
In addition, it goes without saying about the law, from the humanitarian viewpoint,
―― クリエータ、権利者、製作者(以下、クリエータ等という)に対して、失礼にも程がある
"It is too rude enough to blame the creator, right holder and producer( hereinafter referred to as "the creators")"
I think so.
Legally, the creators have not only the exercise of right of their creations , but also they can get possession of secondary creations too.(the article 27, 28 of copyright law).
実写化しようが、アニメ化しようが、それは、完全にクリエータ等の裁量であり、回りの人間が何を叫ぼうが、意味がないのですが ――
Re-making them as movies or animations, are directional acts, based on the right of the creators. Any protest and blame is meaningless.
Moreover, it is a rude manner.
The creators might want to spread their world-view out in the real world, by using others content expresstions. In fact, that is is a good way to make their dream come true.
For the creator's ideal, I think
―― 私たち、コンテンツの消費者風情が、ガタガタいうべきではない
what we, just poor contents consumers, should do is to keep silent.
むしろ、自分の好きな世界観が、形を変えて拡散していくことを、協力するべきである ―― とすら、私には思えます。
We would rather cooperate with the creators intentions toward new worlds, with changing the contents, depending on the new world, I believe.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
(Part 2) Criticism that "the view of the world such as an existing work (animation) is destroyed" is forfeiture
This criticism may be justifiable if that animation will be out of print or never be able to be watched again, by making an animation live-viewing,
However, intangible assets will not decrease, but increase.
The animation will not disappear, so it must be an unreasonable claim of That (world of anime) is harmed"
I know well that,
the person who says such an unreasonable claim,
"cannot put up with the spread of this content to the world in a world view other than what they understood" -
And the behavior of such people, paradoxically, is appealing to the world.
"I am a small-minded person, who cannot recognize a diverse view of the world derived from one content work",
To be more extreme,
"I think that I can kill a human being who does not believe in the God of Allah, or even Muslims, who do not strictly adhere to Islamic teachings"
I think that they are coming out that that "root" is the same with that Islamic fundamentalist terrorists.
(I usually call these people "contents fundamentalist".)
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
On the other hand, I could understand the feeling of "contents fundamentalist" a little.
In my experiments, I could pick up first
the movie version of "Bye-bye Jupiter"
私は映画館を出て、泣きましたよ ―― くやしくて、残念で。
After going out the movie theater, I cried with frustration and shame
だが、この作品を、どうしても映画化したかった、故 小松左京先生のお気持ちが、何よりも優先されることは、当時、ティーンエイジャであった、あの頃の私ですら理解できました。
However, the priority respect was the feeling of Komatsu Sakyou-sensei of blessed memory, who had wanted to make the movie. and I knew well that, even when I was a teenager.
Of course, I had an opposite case.
「るろうに剣心」の実写化(映画)を、私は、ロンドンから日本に向かう飛行機の中で、たまたま(本当にたまたま)見たのですが ―― 本当に、びっくりしました。
When I was on the plane from London to Tokyo, I was really surprised to watch the movie "Rurouni-Kenshin" performed by actors.
I was moved that "this is, a new "Rurouni-Kenshin" is coming," and I thought a new wonderful world-view was generated.
That means, from the viewpoint of
(1)Protection of the creator's property right,
(2)Opportunity of the new generated world-view.
it is an unreasonable action for us, just content consumers, to blame the creator's challenge toward a new contents styles.
If anything, I think that we must be good supporters for the creators, even if the support is trivial matter.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
In addition, I tried to think out "what kinds of action of the person of
「私は、私が理解した形以外の世界観で、このコンテンツが世界に広まることに、我慢ができないのだ」―― という人が、できうることは何か、を考えてみました。
"I cannot put up with the spread of this content to the world in a world view other than what they understood"
can do.
(1)Do no blame, no critique, and keep silent,
(2)Keep away from the content of another world-view, and don't listen attentively for it.
are sorts of example.
Believe or not, this is going to help the creators fully.
"Active" is not all.
"Passive" also help people.
I have got said by my friend from college life.
江端:「何かできることある! なんでもするよ!!」
Ebata: "Do you need my help? I do anything"
A Friend:"Thank you Ebata-san, but your maximum help is to keep nothing"
My note PC was sold in the day of Windows2000 (even not WindowsXP), and I had enforced to install Windows7 in this note PC.
メモリも1.5Mしかなく(追加搭載できない)、CPUは、Pentium 1.2Gです。
The memory is only 1.5 Mbyte (unable to add it more) and , CPU is Pentium 1.2G.
To activate a USB memory, I need two miniutes wait, and I cannot do anything for the time.
However, I don't complain about the performance, just to write my diary everyday.
However at the regular town meeting, the presentation sheets didn't work well on my note PC.
Basically any PC is perishable, and the expiration date will be less that three years at best.
At any rate, PC's performamce is going 123 times up, every seven years.
I know that a replacement is a correct answer, but I am nowhere in sight to get money for new a Note PC.
―― まだ、動く
it still work.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
I am apt to be misunderstood, however I am a typical loving man.
(I wrote about it before) I activated old monitor cameras and PCs that had been in the junkman, and made the DIY home monitoring system.
I have kept using pairs of slacks and white-shirts until my wife find them to be worn out.
The udgmental standard of shoes replacement is whether they becomes leaky, and I can walk.
The other day, my wife made a complain about my lovely actions, with saying, "put this perforated stuff away at once". So I argued against her opinion with confidence.
"Even if my wife is worn out, I never put you away till death do us part. "
She just said,
"Don't tell about me at the same level of clothes."
When I watched the animation "Silver Spoon", I felt yearning to the world. (I think many people also felt)
―― どんな仕事でも、喜びと等価の、あるいはそれ以上の、苦労や苦痛があることを、都合よく、そして、意識して忘れて。
In any work, there is pain or suffering that is equal to or greater than pleasure, and we want to forget the facts conveniently and consciously.
Well, "Enjoying the content" is such a thing, so there is no problem.
while watching "Silver Spoon", I asked my wife,
Ebata:"Hey, I want to retire and start dairy farming in Hokkaido, Can you work with me? "
Wife:"Why not. I am glad with you."
While reading the advertisement of the newspaper, she gave me a vague reply.
About ten years ago, I was moved the book whose title "God Fire", the author is Takamura Kaoru-san, and I strongly recommended the book to my wife.
She said, "I accepted your recommend unpleasant without complaining, and I could not have no emotion about this book", and I was very shocked to hear her comment.
―― 自分が良いと思うものが、他人が良いと思うとは限らない
"Things that I think are good, is not always good for others"
This is a typical "rite of passage" for teenagers, however, I thought
―― 自分が「熱狂的に良い」と思うものであれば、それは客観的に「良い」ものも含んでいて、自分の想いの1/100くらいは伝わるんじゃないないかな
"Things that I think are good fanatically, may include some objective good things. So hundredth part of my illusion is going to get the point across others"
This hypothesis of mine was broken all to pieces at the moment,
Now my junior daughter has a homework of "book report" for "space creation" whose author is Mr.Simon Lehna Singh.
It is a book of scientific documents that depicts the battle of scientists who clarify the creation of the universe.
I read all books of Mr.Simon Lehna Singh.
When I went to Bali by my family trip, I became infatuated with the books whose title is "decryption" and I could not remember the itinerary of Bali.
So, of course, I understand the wonderfulness of this "space creation" as well.
I think that probably I can become a good friend with the teacher of "junior daughter" who submitted this assignment book.
However, I am quite doubtful
―― この教諭と私が「熱狂的に良い」と思うこの本への想いの1/100でも、次女にも伝わるか
"whether 1/100 of this book's value will also be transmitted to the second daughter, even if both this teacher and I feel that this book is 'enthusiastic good'"
I think that books of Mr.Simon Lehna Singh will choose a person.
I am using the IME called "SKK" that enable me to type letters at "thinking speed".
Ordinary people might be quite difficult to enter characters with this SKK, So this IME may also be a security of personal computers.
On the other hand, there is also a huge disadvantage that few people can support my work, using my computer.
I will ask to work with Mouse operation, or, not in English, but in the alphabet.
When I say "I'm sorry, I am using a metamorphosis IME ..."
the engineer who can reply "Oh, is it SKK?"
can win the trust from me at that moment.
とは言え、さすがの私も、家族にSKKの使用を強制するようなことはしていません ―― 「マニアック」にも程がある、と思うのです。
Nonetheless, I am not doing anything to force my family to use SKK, because it is too "Maniac".
However, If no SKK, I think I cannot complete writing up 30 sheets of manuscripts.
Be in trouble, recently, I have known that there is SKK running on my smartphone (Android).
―― Bluetooth対応のキーボードを購入すれば、パソコンを持ち歩くことなく、どこでも、スマホで原稿執筆作業ができるなぁ・・・
If I buy a Bluetooth compatible keyboard, I can do manuscript writing with a smart-phone anywhere, without carrying a personal computer,
I come to be fascinated with my dream.
Returning to reality, however, I swear to my heart once again "I will never install SKK nor buy a keyboard."
with reprimanding myself, "don't forget the original purpose!"
I know the announcement of Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, I visited the top pages of HP of principal political parties.
Japan Communist Party
Citizen of Tokyo first,
Minshin Party
Tokyo Imperial restoration party
Liberal Democratic Party
Komeito party
Even I visited these pages, I could know the directions of each party.
- displaying just photos of candidates or their group
->"I don't care your faces at all"
- displaying photos of street speech and movies of the party representatives' questions by Youtube
→ だから、お前たちの活動している様子も興味なんぞはない
->"I am not interested in your photos and movies of your activities at all"
- displaying long and bored planks or manifest of the party with little letters.
→ 本気で、読み手に読ませる気があるのか?
->"Do they really want to send their intentions to readers?"
- displaying only the past policy implementation of the party (and the are fabled)
→ 過去の話なんぞ、どーだっていい
->" I don't want to know the past activates for THIS election"
Compared with the tops of HP at this time, I know, the HP is not for
the voters who want to know the plank, but for activity reports to their own party members
At least, the party who has the awful top pages will not get my vote on next Sunday.
At the present, I prefer a party who writes
their policies simply in one sense or another
to other parties.
Coming week, I will check each top pages of the above again.
I hope each party will try to repair the pages to be easily understandable for our votes.
If possible, I hope that each party shows me their spirit and gut, for example, displaying a comparative table to include your part and other parties.
Recently I often watch the announcement of increase the carrying capacity of a certain train company on an advertising panel in commute train.
I have an odd feeling, because we cannot avoid population decrease desperately.
I think that the train company came to a conclusion that "the population in metropolitan is increasing, even if decreasing in the provinces".
Depending on the perspective, private companies seem to think that they should give up revitalizing local regions".
I don't know all condition of local regions, so my guess of the above, might be just a misunderstanding.
However, at the present, I cannot get news of enhancements of transportation capacity.
―― というか、全く、聞いたことがない。
To tell you the truth, I don't hear it at all.
(To be continued)
(Continuation from yesterday)
When I was a high school student, I had read "The Third Wave", the author is Mr.Alvin Toffler again and again.
I vaguely remember that the book said that
"According to a coming the Internet society, people will lose the reason to gather to urban areas, will be released from rush-hour melee, and "teleworking(SOHO) will be normal"
Now most mobile-phones are connected wherever people live the life,
most the Internet connections become available wherever line-phones are connected.
However, at the present, the concentration of population in cities continues, and people continue to commute to office or school everyday.
Invariably, some dummy research companies are publishing a predictive report that says "SOHO comes to be normal"
It's the other way around.
Above all, they should examine this society, and release the report whose title is
―― なぜ、30年近くたっても(*)、未だに在宅勤務が常態化しないか
"Why SOHO doesn't become normal, even about thirty years has passed over"
(*)It is said "the Internet come to be added as a social infrastructure in 1991, and the people after the year is called "Digital Native".
It would seem that a measure of "Local Renewal by the Internet" is not going well now.
Getting another perspective on this appearance, we might have to need more time (more than 100 years?).
Anyway, at the present, the firm fact and date is
"Odakyu-Dentetsu company will make "quadruple track" , at coming March, 2018"
After winning the Nobel Prize, I am afraid that I will cause someone much discomfort. So I want to say the followings before it is too late.
- I will reject to ask to be a invited speaker from graduating junior, junior-high, and high school.
- I will absolutely reject to be invited from political group to the congratulatory ceremony.
- I will reject to be be commented by government, and local authority.
- I will broadcast a statement of my unpleasantness, if someone tries to invite me to reunion party.
If someone self-nominates "Ebata's friends" without my permission, I will cite the names of those people, and deny that "that person is not my friend." one after another.
However, if I do something like this, I make you unpleasant, and we will be unhappy with each other.
So, I try not to show off my seriousness (I don't win the Nobel Prize), we are continually making constant efforts.
Recently, I heard the news of junior high school students who established large record of forerunner in shogi world.
To be honestly, I feel "thoughtful". On the other hand, in the news, when I watch those who flock around the junior high school students,
I think indeed,
"People who want to do them, seems to be overflowing in the world."
I feel admiration for "Mercari".
Last weekend, I joined "Merucari". And after 15 minutes, I sold a unnecessary memory and bought a necessary HDD.
I like "Merucari" system, because the seller can decide a price of the good. Therefore I can save time without bidding and I don't care of the bid price with irritably and frequency.
Moreover, I was really surprised at the system function, that
made it possible to send goods directly from the seller to the buyer while keeping the name and address of the opponent absolutely unknown.
Therefore, I do not know "Who sold it to me?" "Who I bought it from?"
Of course, this system, as a principle, is not so difficult.
However, it is "amazing" in that it was established as a business involving real business operators (convenience stores, transportation companies).
Surely, this "anonymous delivery" method might have started as "New Year's cards".
For example, it is possible to deliver actual New Year's cards to my real address with only my handle name.
Even if E-mail New Year's card and Web New Year's cards are convenient and decorated spectacularly, it seems that there was a need to have "New Year's cards as" objects ".
Well, in any case, I'm thinking of using Mercari in the future.
I feel sorry that things that can still be used, are not used.
ですから、出品価格は「郵送料 + コンビニでコーヒを飲める」程度で良いと思っています。
Therefore, I think that the price of my things is enough for "postage charge + drink coffee at convenience stores".
So far.
Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
"Over the AI(12) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination of AI"
Artificial intelligence of power technique ----- gives me only my "Wonderland" in my personal computer.
Perhaps, there seems to be a company researcher, a engineer, or others around you, who said
「『研究員たるもの、シュタイイズゲート(Steins;Gate)を視聴しないとは、どういうことだ! 』と江端さんに叱責された」
"I got scolded by Ebata-san, "What does it mean that a researcher doesn't watch "Steins;Gate" ""
―― それは、誤解です。
They are misunderstanding me.
When returning parents house,
there seems to be a junior high school girls who received abuse from their fathers, who said
"As long as you finish listening to the whole story of Steins;Gate, you don't eat food! "
―― それも、誤解です。
She is misunderstanding me.